Soften Your Skin While You Sleep

Learn here how to soften your skin while you sleep. Also not all night creams are the same. What makes a good night cream that will soften your skin? You are soon to learn an amazing fact about skin care.

Shea Butter – Non Drug Ingredient – Very Effective & Safe

In some countries, Shea butter is considered a medicinally active ingredient. It is considered inactive in the US, because it is not a drug. It doesn’t come from a drug company. The companies that distribute it have never tried to have it registered as a drug.

Ingredients – Active & Inactive

If you read the labels of products manufactured in the US, you will see that some of them list “active” ingredients followed by “inactive” ones. The active ones are drugs.

In truth, there are many “active” ingredients in terms of what effect they have on your skin’s health. It’s just that most of the major cosmetic companies use little if any of those safe ingredients.

So, What is in That Bottle?

In most cases it is an inactive ingredient called petrolatum, which is really nothing more than white petroleum jelly.

Scientists use petrolatum as a control substance. They know that it has no benefits. When the scientists first started looking at how to soften skin while you sleep, they compared petrolatum to glycerin. They found that glycerin is actually an effective moisturizer. It can be absorbed by the skin’s cells. So, it does soften “slightly”.

When modern scientists examined the benefits of Shea butter, some of them were amazed. After four to six weeks of use, the volunteers had softer, smoother and younger looking facial skin. They also found that Shea butter does have a healing component, but not because it contains drugs or drug like substances. The benefits are due to the nutrients it contains.

Better Night Creams

The better night creams also include avocado oil. Not only will avocado oil soften skin. It increases the amount of collagen within the skin, which will improve the skin’s firmness. Because of the sterolins it contains, avocado oil will fade age spots naturally and even out the complexion over time.

Manuka Honey – Natural Skin Healer

Another ingredient to look for is manuka honey. High grades of manuka have natural antioxidant and antibacterial activity. Using night creams containing the honey will help heal blemishes and prevent new ones from forming. It is beneficial for acne and other conditions.

Functional Keratin – Great Moisturizer

Yet another good ingredient is Functional Keratin. It has been shown to improve the skin’s moisture content more effectively than glycerin. In side-by-side studies, the improvement was twice as high as that of glycerin.

Improving the skin’s moisture content will soften skin temporarily. Functional Keratin has lasting benefits, because it improves the skin’s ability to retain moisture. This has been scientifically proven, as well.

So, while all of these good ingredients listed here are “active” in terms of what they can do for the skin’s health and appearance, you will never see them listed on a US-produced cream that way. The proof is in the use. You can soften skin safely and naturally while you are sleeping.

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