Thank Goodness for Airline Fee Comparison Sites

Thanks to the economic downturn of the last few years, travelling, for many of us, was put on the back burner for a while. Fortunately, it appears as though the worse of the financial crisis is now firmly behind us and this means that we can, once again, start planning our next trip, be it with family or friends.

Planning your own trip and making sure that you get the most attractive deals available is obviously always the number one priority and thanks to technology and the Internet, you no longer have to make a dozen phone calls in order to ascertain which airline offers the best deals on those extra fees. Indeed, while rooting out the best possible airfare is important, you will also want to focus on gaining first hand knowledge on all those fees that have suddenly become so popular within the industry. Unfortunately, you may score a great deal on base airfare, but that “great deal” will soon disappear once you tack on all these additional fees.

Fortunately, you now have a “one stop shopping” website that has listed, for many of the airlines, the cost of these extra fees. By simply logging onto this website, you can easily see, at a glance, just how each additional fee will significantly increase your total airfare – and it pays to compare as not every airline has chosen to charge quite the same amounts – be choosy and make sure you get the best deal possible.

While accessing the information may be quick and easy, you must first have done your homework, especially if you are inexperienced at planning and booking your own flight and hotel. Remember that when it comes to saving money and getting the best deals, information is your best ally.

Before you start comparing fees between the various airlines, make sure that you have a good handle on what your needs are. Once you have determined this, figure out if you actually need the extra baggage or that extra room leg as these will all tag on extra costs to your base airfare.

Finally, get to know the various rules and regulations when it comes to flying. There are new restrictions being imposed on baggage as well as increases in airport fees (which vary from airport to airport) and taxes that spring up almost daily and remember that when an airline quotes you their “best deal” on airfare, these quotes never include any of the extra fees. You need to be very specific about booking these and double check to make sure that the rates you have.

The sad truth is that while airlines often brag about their great seat sales, the price they quote is but the tip of the iceberg and once you have hidden all the extra fees and taxes, you end up with a total that is often what was initially printed.

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