Understanding Good Nutrition

Do you understand what is meant by ‘good nutrition’? Many people think that they do, but they really misunderstand what is meant. If you think that good nutrition means that you are dieting or trying to lose weight, you’re off base. Nutrition just means to have a balanced and healthy diet consisting mainly of foods that are healthy for you.

Eating healthy is easier than you realize. Many people think it is just too hard to eat well but this isn’t the case. Besides, eating a better diet can help you prevent diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

You maybe already knew that. But did you know that if you eat a healthy and balanced diet, you also will increase your energy, mental focus, and memory? That’s right.

Don’t think that you need to cut out all of the foods you like and subsist on nothing but celery and bran, either. You can still eat your favorites, just within reason. If you limit how much you consume of foods that aren’t all that great for you, you can still enjoy them without worry.

You also will want to learn appropriate portion size. Many of us think we are eating one serving of something when we’re actually eating two or three. If you know what an appropriate portion is and you stick to that measure, you are very unlikely to overeat.

If you have some focus and discipline, your nutritional balance can help you in many ways. You can even pair up with a friend and follow your new lifestyle together.

You and your friend can track each other’s progress and encourage each other. Try to eat fresh foods, especially fruits and veggies. When you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, this is very healthy for the body.

In fact, fruit makes a great pick for a quick snack. Fruit tastes great, as attractive, and will help you chase away hunger. Don’t’ eat just fruits though, you also need fiber and carbohydrates. For these, a good choice is whole grain items.

You do want to limit fast food and processed foods. Both fast food and processed foods are unhealthy for you. Rather than heading for the drive through or picking up a processed prepackaged meal, why not cook something fast at home instead? It doesn’t really take that much more time! Most meals don’t take hours to cook, or even an hour. If you do need something to eat that you can grab quickly and take away, you can buy a prepackaged salad at many grocery stores.

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