Where to Find Affordable Legal Help

With the present state of the U.S. economy, many Americans find themselves living paycheck to paycheck and are simply unable to handle issues that warrant any sort of extra expense. Having to deal with the high cost of attorney’s fees and legal help is something that most Americans are simply not prepared to handle.

You don’t have to be wealthy in order to afford legal help from time to time however. There are very affordable legal options if you know where to look and how to set them up. This article explains some of the ways that one can find affordable legal help for a variety of legal problems that may arise in your life.

  • Family Members and Friends
  • The first source that should be investigated by an individual needing affordable legal help is that of family members and friends. No one wants to work for nothing, and you should not expect someone you know to help you without some form of compensation in exchange for their professional help. However, many times family and friends will reduce their rate or enable you to spread payments out over a longer time period. If you do use a family member or friend as your attorney, be sure to spell out in writing the terms of the agreement and make it known to them that you will not take advantage of the relationship.

  • Special Programs for Lower Income Families
  • State and local governments have teamed up and have created special programs for lower income families or individuals that are in need of legal help. Local programs differ from state to state, so it is best to check with the state or city you live in to find the law firms that participate in these types of programs. Oftentimes, law firms will post this kind of information on their website. If information is not readily available or contained on a firm’s site, be sure to inquire as to the availability of affordable programs that they may offer. If they do not directly participate in these types of programs, chances are that they can refer you to another local firm that does.

  • Barter: The Oldest Form Of Payment
  • Barter is one of the oldest forms of payment between two individuals. You may not have thought of it, but bartering or “trading” can be used to obtain professional legal services.. Like everyone else, attorneys use all sorts of products and services every day. The key to successful bartering is finding a skill or service that you can offer in exchange for an attorney’s professional services. Take inventory of yourself to determine what you could offer a prospective attorney in exchange. Anything and everything is fair game in the bartering world. If the skill or product your have to offer is in high demand, chances are that you can find an attorney that will take you up on a bartering deal. There are many websites that cater to the bartering world, but your first stop should be Craigslist. Post an ad in the barter section and see what kind of response you get. It is worth a try and could save you a bundle in legal fees if you can find a bartering partner.

  • Prepaid Legal Programs
  • There are now established companies that offer ongoing legal assistance for a small monthly fee. It works much like an insurance policy does. You pay a small monthly fee of around $20, and if you ever have a legal problem, an attorney will take care of it at no extra charge. If you decide to go this route, be sure to read all of the fine print and be certain that you fully understand the kinds of issues that will and won’t be covered should you need them. Keep in mind that these programs usually only cover small types of legal issues. Don’t expect an attorney to represent you in a major case for $20 per month. These prepaid plans can come in handy, but many individuals do not consider them worth the fee required to be paid month after month. Others rave about the services and how much money can be saved by enrolling in a prepaid plan. Do your own due diligence before signing up for any type of prepaid legal plan.

  • Be Your Own Attorney
  • I would guess that most Chicago attorneys, will tell you never to represent yourself when it comes to legal matters. In many respects, this is excellent advice. With that being said however, there are many common legal problems that can be solved on your own, especially now that the internet contains so much information that is readily available. Keep in mind that the law can differ from state to state, so be sure that the information you obtain via the internet pertains to the state you live in. You might think of combining your research with an attorney’s opinion on your findings. This would save time for the attorney, and make their fee much more affordable since you have spent the time to research your own case for them.

    You never know when you might need legal help. Murphy’s law can rear its ugly head at anytime, and usually does when you least expect it. Be persistent, and an affordable legal solution can usually be found.

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