Bird Control Systems London

It is very difficult to visit a city in the UK and not come into contact with a pigeon – we have all witnessed the kids running after them and adults ducking out of their way as they fly a few inches above their head. Unfortunately, in some areas they have become such a problem that local authorities have had to take drastic measures to control the bird population. There is one national pest control company that is able to offer a multitude of solutions for bird control London.

Not only can pigeons, sea gulls and other birds be a real annoyance in some areas, they could also damage buildings, their droppings and the fact that they can carry insects make them unhygienic, they can be noisy and they could affect the reputation of certain businesses. This company offer four main types of bird control systems; bird spikes, netting, decontamination and traps. Following an extensive survey and risk assessment, they will suggest the most suitable solution for the area and then they will install the system into the location.

Their most popular solutions are spikes, wires and netting; Bird spikes are steel projections that prevent pigeons from occupying ledges and other areas on a building. These are available in a selection of sizes, dependent upon the species of bird that is a problem in the area.

Wire systems are installed above areas where a bird is likely to roost, preventing them from landing on the surface. Similarly, netting prevents birds from landing on the roof of a building or popular landing sites by stopping them from accessing the area.

This company are aware that these solutions can affect the appearance of a property, therefore they always aim to install them in a way that will cause as little disruption to the appearance of the building.

If the prevalence of pigeons or any other variety of bird has been causing problems for your business, contact this pest control specialist to discuss the bird control London systems available to you. Their friendly team can be contacted by telephone or by filling out their contact form.

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