He Seems Out of My League But How Do I Ask Him Out?

It is best to classify only soccer and football teams in terms of leagues. There is no such thing as league when it comes to guys and girls. All are equal and the sooner you accept this fact the better it will be for you. Having said this let us for a moment, hypothetically, assume a guy is not in your league and you want him to ask you out. Here is what you should do.

Psyche yourself
You will have to psyche yourself into believing that you are more than a match for him. When you do this you will automatically get the confidence to walk tall in his presence. And this way you will get noticed. He is after all a guy and not a prince or a knight.

Have faith in your abilities
Everyone is blessed with some talent or the other. It is only a matter of discovering what you are good at and then honing those skills or talents. When you do this your confidence begins to show in your personality and you become attractive to others.

Showcasing your talent
Having talent and skills will count for nothing if you can’t capitalize on them. Showcase your talent in such a way that you don’t come across as bombastic. Your humility will get you a lot of attention and he will surely notice you. His asking you out will now be very much in the realm of possibility.

Approach him
The best way to get an introduction to him is to approach him boldly and get acquainted with him. He will be stunned by your matter of fact behavior. This is a very rare quality and it will not escape his attention.

Just be friends
Under no circumstances should you let him know that you are bowled over by him. Just be friends without making your romantic interest in him obvious. Try to know him as a person and then decide if you would really like him to ask you out.

Get closer to him
To get closer to him you will have to act a little detached. While all the girls around him make a big fuss over him you stay put and don’t do that. This will intrigue him as he will not be used to such treatment from a girl. This will in fact draw him closer to you.

Do him a favor
By now he will surely want to ask you out just to satisfy his ego. Well, do him a favor by agreeing to go out with him after canceling a couple of times. He will count himself lucky to take you out.

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