Home Spray Tanning

If you love the tanned look but don’t have chance to get in the sun much then you are probably a fan of fake tanning. You’ll probably be used to trying different products out and more than often ending up with poor results. I’m talking orange colored skin or streaks and blotches, and on the off chance you manage to use a good product you will be lucky for it to last a couple of days!

So what is the solution? Home spray tanning of course! If you have ever been to a spray tanning booth then you will know how good the results can be, you get a lovely deep bronze tan color and it usually lasts a least a week. Well this is the beauty of a home spray tan kit; you get the same results you would at a booth but at a fraction of the price in the comfort of your own home!

The product that I am recommending to all my friends at the moment is Joliese sunless tanner and for a good reason! It is very easy to use and comes as part of a home spray kit. You basically use the solution and the sprayer and can give yourself a great looking self tan in a matter of minutes.

I was actually surprised at how easy it was to use and found it a lot quicker and a lot messy than using a fake tan lotion. Once you start applying it you will see how easy it is to cover your entire body and leave a nice smooth and even finish. So let’s just take a look of the benefits of using a home spray tan kit like Joliese:

1. Get a great looking fake tan that looks natural.
2. Do it in the comfort of your own home.
3. End up with a much longer lasting tan than you would get with a cream or lotion.
4. Be the envy of all your friends (especially the pale ones!).

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