Is Salt Making You Fat?

Diets aren’t fun because they almost always require you to sacrifice something you don’t want to give up, but if you are loosing to lose belly flab don’t gear up for having to toss out the flavor with your limited food choices!

In fact, if you choose the correct way to salt your food you can still have all of the flavor you love in regular dishes without risking water retention, high blood pressure, or dehydration.

Water and salt go hand in hand. One causes the need for the other, and vice versa, For every teaspoon of table salt you eat you need at least twenty-four ounces of water to balance out the dehydration that happens from the sodium.

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So how can you have salt in your diet without swelling up your belly flab, or cause swelling in your skin? You must choose the right type of salt and be hydrating as often as you possibly can.

Your Body Needs Low Sodium Foods, But Needs the Minerals in Unrefined Salt to Function

Defining salt is one of the ways we can figure out how to lose belly flab without sacrificing taste. First of all, toss out that blue canister that has the little girl with the yellow umbrella on it.

The salt that I am condoning has nothing to do with refined table salt and everything to do with the salt that is naturally made like Celtic Sea Salt.

Before we begin dissecting the unhealthy proponents of commercial table salt, let’s discuss why the body needs unrefined sodium to function:

Unrefined salt aids in:

1. Normalizing blood pressure (despite the opposite belief)
2. Increasing energy
3. Regulating the metabolic process
4. Maintaining electrolyte balance
5. Supporting immunity
6. Promoting your body’s ability to produce a natural antihistamine
7. Preventing muscle cramping
8. Increasing bone strength

You may be surprised to see how many ways unrefined sea salt actually aids in the proper function of your body’s cells. This is all the reason you need to keep on flavoring your food.

There are wonderful minerals found in unrefined sea salt that your body craves in order to maintain a health balance of hydration.

Hidden Salt Culprits: Foods to Avoid or Consider Low Sodium Recipes as Alternatives

Table salt, the commercial kind, is the obvious culprit when it comes to water retention and high blood pressure, but there are also hidden culprits lurking in your grocery store that are packed with enormous amounts of unhealthy sodium and should be avoided.

Be sure that you also avoid the frozen food section and the inner aisles that have soups, beans, and other foods that have been laden with refined salt to keep color, taste, and to give it a long shelf life.

Buying a can of beans or soup may be more convenient-but it is the food industry’s ply to make food convenient instead of nutritious that has led us to incredible obesity rates, high blood pressure and heart disease.

So even if you have to soak some beans or use a crock-pot to whip up your favorite soup from scratch, these small inconveniences can lead to a lifetime of minimal belly flab and optimal health!

And the good news is that you don’t have to toss out the salt altogether, just be sure to be suing the right, mineral-full, kind!

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