Power of Creativity

I have grown to like creative people. These are people who are not simply satisfied with what it present but they are always seeking ways and means to improve what is there. In some instances these people create new things, inventions that have never been done before. Some of the best creative people I have ever come across are those in the arts and entertainment, songwriters, sculptors, poets, instrumentalists and so on. Creativity separates the ordinary from the attractive. It makes you product stand out. It also creates desire in customers or consumers to see how you have done it. There is a direct relationship between increased sales and creativity. People will pay anything to receive a product where creativity was maximized. You should never rush to implement your first thought that comes to mind. Always engage your mind in scrutiny of all the ideas it brings about. After thorough interrogations of thought processes, a creative idea can come out which people look to and marvel at.

A few tips on creativity

- Your first idea is not the end but merely the genesis – Your idea could initially be one word, which develops into a sentence then into a whole passage with the Why, what, where, how, how much etc. Do not be quick to give away your idea when it is still at its infancy. It kills the creativity flow in you as people may criticize your creative power. Sometimes your idea may seem hard to comprehend especially for those whose minds are not as creative. Give it more thought and only present it when you are already implementing it.

- Check out other people’s ideas and improve on them – Sometimes you do not need to re-invent the wheel. There have been enough creative motor vehicles. If you need to come up with a motor vehicle, check out what other vehicles do not have and introduce that in your version. Ask people the convenience they still lack in the existing models and answer those questions by creatively producing new models that can astound people.

- Always ask yourself, what is it that people do not have that I can make? Creativity will make you venture into inventions. When you look around, you may have the feeling that all ideas are taken but this is not true. There are still some inefficiencies that people face where you can make a difference. It maybe in transport, fuels or other gadgets that make life worthwhile.

- Creativity is refusal to be content with what is provided – It is easy to be comfortable with what has already been provided. When you feel uncomfortable with what you have been given then your creative power comes in handy.

- When you ask yourself the kind of convenient lifestyle you need you will see how your mind can create the seemingly impossible. I imagine sometimes, walking into a room and using my voice to command my kettle to boil water, asking the fridge to place meat in the meat cutting machine. Instructing machines to prepare food for me. Already that tells you that my ideal world is a convenient yet creative world. If I can think it then it means it can be done.

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