The Natural Cures For Morning Sickness

Fortunately, morning sickness is a temporary condition. On average it last from ten to twelve weeks. If you do nothing else but grit your teeth and tough it out for that amount of time, it will go away on its own. So, it could be argued that all you need to do is be patient until there is no longer a problem. Centuries ago, women may have had no choice, but during their time of distress they sought and found home remedies to alleviate many of the symptoms of morning sickness, particularly the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Medical experts have never come to full agreement as to what the underlying causes of morning sickness are. The current consensus points to the elevation of some hormone levels during the pregnancy’s first trimester. There is no medical attempt to minimize these increases as they are believed to be critical to preparing the woman’s body for the work involved in creating this new life. By eliminating the cause of morning sickness, one would also be eliminating its benefits to the mother and the unborn child. The best remedy to the discomfort of these symptoms is to alleviate their severity.

Humans are clever animals when it comes to improving the conditions of their lives. Over the many centuries, women have experimented with different practices and remedies to alleviate their morning sickness discomforts. Some have worked and some haven’t. There are no medical studies to support most of these traditional home remedies. Those that didn’t work were discarded and forgotten. Those that worked continue to be used today.

If you have always been the type to jump out of bed in the morning to start your day, perhaps you should consider changing that behavior, at least until the period of morning sickness passes. Take it slow when you get up. Sit quietly on the edge of the bed or a nearby rocking chair and let your body adjust to going vertical. Eat a few Saltine crackers to absorb any excess stomach acid that can cause nausea. It’s not necessary to be experiencing symptoms in order to prevent them.

Stay away from caffeine. Avoid the morning coffee or tea. Try herbal tea in the morning. There are a number of flavors that will relax you. Ginger tea is another good choice for starting the day. Make your breakfast light and bland, but nutritious. Soft boiled eggs are an excellent choice. Eat slowly and breathe deeply. Sit for a while when you’re done eating. Your stomach is sensitive, let it move about slowly.

Listen to your body’s weird food cravings. Your body may be demanding these foods for a good reason. Don’t eat big meals. Eat snacks throughout the day, and sip lots of liquids: water, ginger ale, and herbal teas. Nuts, beans, and eggs are excellent choices. Don’t eat spicy foods. Avoid cooking odors. If you need to cook, try using the microwave to reduce the diffusion of aromas.

Lastly, relax whenever possible. Try to get a good night’s sleep every night. Take naps whenever possible. Are you worried about housework? It will still be there when the baby is born. Let someone else worry about it. They’ll be plenty to do when the baby comes home. Right now your most important job is to stay healthy for the well being for both you and the baby.

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