How to Easily Get Pregnant: Ten Tips

Are you starting a family or adding a new member to a family you’ve already started? If you are, you’re probably looking for the best way on how to easily get pregnant. Although having sex regularly is one way to get started, there are certain things you can do that may speed up the process. These ten tips will help you on your way to conceiving a little bundle of joy in no time!

Have sex frequently when you are fertile

Most couples think that having sex as frequently as possible is the way to get pregnant, but doing so may end up wasting thousands of healthy sperm. If you want to get pregnant now, the best time to have baby-making sex is during your most fertile period of the cycle – that is, at least three days before you ovulate. This doesn’t mean that you should avoid sex throughout the cycle; by all means, have sex every week if you like! Just make sure you increase the frequency as your ovulation date draws nearer.

Track ovulation using basal body temperature or ovulation predictor kits

To be able to predict your ovulation accurately, you need to start charting your basal body temperature (BBT). Your BBT is your temperature when the body is at rest. What you can do is obtain a basal thermometer from a drugstore, keep it by the side of your bed, take your temperature the moment you wake up, and plot it on a BBT chart. Your body temperature increases ever very slightly as your ovulation date draws nearer. What you want to see is an increase of at least .4 degrees Fahrenheit over 2 days. This indicates that you have already ovulated. Although you can still try to conceive the day after ovulation, there’s always the danger that the sperm might not reach the egg on time.

A more accurate way to predict ovulation is to use an ovulation predictor kit (OPK). An OPK is a home urine test that detects the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. Right before you ovulate, your body will experience a surge in LH; the OPK’s job is to detect this surge so you can predict the exact date of your ovulation. The best time to have sex is on the day of the LH surge and the two days following that. If you wish, you can have sex the day after ovulation just to make sure.

For optimal fertility, don’t stress

Trying to conceive can be a stressful endeavor, but find some time to relax and avoid trying “too hard.” Studies show that stress plays a role in 30% of infertility cases. While the exact nature of the relationship has not yet been determined, doctors believe that stress increases the production of the hormones epinephrine and cortisol, which can upset the production of sex hormones. Conversely, stress reduction enhances the proteins in the uterine lining and improves the likelihood of implantation. Instead of worrying about your fertility problems all the time, remember to take some time off to relax. Get involved in a creative project, get a massage, or go on a romantic weekend getaway with your partner.

Enjoy a diet that is right for conception

Our bodily systems can only function well if they receive the right nutrients from the foods we eat. Eat well for your fertility by reducing your consumption of refined sugar, caffeine, trans-fats, and refined carbohydrates. Stick to plant sources of protein, high-fat dairy, and slow-burning carbohydrates.

Get the proper fitness for pregnancy

Spend at least half an hour a day doing light to moderate exercise in order to maintain a healthy weight. But don’t overdo your workout, either. Exercising too much can make you lose too much body fat, which is needed to produce healthy amounts of estrogen. Women who spend too much time at the gym are more likely to experience amenorrhea (no periods) and anovulation (a period without ovulation).

Be good to sperm: don’t use the lubricants

The pressure of trying to conceive may have made sex a lot less exciting, but don’t turn to lubricants to heat things up. After taking a closer look, researchers discovered that lubricants – even those without spermicide – can kill sperm in a heartbeat. Sperm require an alkaline environment to survive, but lubricant can make the vaginal environment acidic. Saliva and water aren’t good lubricants either; the digestive enzymes in saliva impair sperm motility, whereas water can be absorbed and cause the sperm’s head to burst.

Be good to your ovaries: don’t use ibuprofen and acetimenophen

When trying to conceive, avoid taking ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). These belong to a group of pharmaceuticals called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can delay ovulation. Instead, make it a habit to take an omega-3 fish oil supplement, which has natural anti-inflammatory properties.

End bad habits to conceive with more ease

You’ve probably decided to quit smoking and drinking as soon as you get pregnant, but did you know that these two habits may be the cause of your infertility? The chemicals in tobacco can reduce the amount of estrogen produced by your body and damage eggs in the ovaries before they mature. On the other hand, excessive alcohol consumption is known to interfere with the proper function of the ovaries and delay or prevent ovulation. Don’t wait until you get pregnant before you kick these two habits. If you want to get pregnant quickly, stop smoking and avoid alcohol now.

Use Western medicine for conceiving help

Don’t wait a year to get tested for infertility – get tested for it now. The sooner you find out what’s keeping you from getting pregnant, the sooner you can get treated, and the faster you’ll get pregnant. Remember, your ability to conceive decreases naturally as we get older. Don’t wait until you are 40 before you choose to seek medical solutions to your fertility problems.

Use Eastern medicine to treat infertility problems

Did you know that Eastern medicine has documents on the menstrual cycle and fertility problems that date all the way back to the time of Christ? Even if it’s not a mainstream approach to infertility, don’t discount the help you can obtain from Eastern medicine, especially if you want to get pregnant easily. Visit a Chinese herbalist and ask for herbs that can restore the flow of chi to your reproductive system. Or book a reiki therapy session and fill your body with nurturing, positive energy that can boost your fertility naturally.

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