When is a Woman Most Fertile For Pregnancy?

In order to get pregnant, a couple has to get together for baby-making activities during a woman’s most fertile period. So when is a woman most fertile for pregnancy?

A lot of women make this mistake of not knowing how to calculate the time they ovulate which is also known as their most fertile days for conception. Thus, they often missed this critical period and therefore missed any chanced of getting pregnant for that month.

Though it does not guarantee that having intercourse during your most fertile period will end up in pregnancy, having one outside the period does guarantee that you will not get pregnant for the month.

In order to have the best chance of conceiving a baby, you need to know your most fertile days. You need to keep track of your monthly menstrual cycle and aim for making babies during the period. This way, injected sperm can swim towards the egg in your uterus which was produced each time you ovulate.

Usually most women would use the counting days method to calculate their ovulation period. On average, a woman’s menstrual cycle is 28 days. This happens during the time you first have your menses until the start of a new cycle.

Around day 12 and 14 from the start of your menstrual period, your body ovulates and produces an egg and on occasions more than one at a time. Obviously, you can never get pregnant during your menstrual period, thus you need to work hard at achieving conception at the time of your ovulation.

If your menstrual cycle is longer than 28 days, you can calculate your ovulation date by subtracting 14 days from the day of your next menstrual period. This is usually the average accurate day for calculating your most fertile days by using the counting method.

There are other methods of finding out when a woman is most fertile for pregnancy as well and this includes checking the cervical mucus, your basal body temperature and by using an ovulation predictor kit.

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