Allergic to Pollen?

If you suffer from airborne allergies triggered by pollen, you are among millions of others worldwide who continue to search for solutions. And even though there are drugs that you can take, and depending on the severity of the condition they are certainly a piece of the solution that should be considered, there are some more natural and less invasive remedies to consider.

Typically, it is a combination of many little actions that make the difference in how you feel. Here are 5 remedies that when used together will make a big difference in the impact your allergies have on you regardless of the pollen count outdoors.

Acupuncture-If you are on pins and needles about how your allergies will affect you, your thinking is line with many allergists who are now recommending acupuncture for allergy relief. For reasons that are still hard to pin down, many sufferers have received noticeable relief when they have started treatments at least 30 days prior to the peak of the season.

Dr. Joseph Salerno (Allergist and Immunologist) in an article in Women’s Day Magazine states that it’s possible that stimulating some of the meridians (channels through which energy flows) may help to temper an overactive immune system that can lead to bad allergy symptoms.
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Saline Nasal Spray-When inhaling allergens, they often get trapped in nose hairs or linger in sinus passages where they can continue to wreak havoc with your immune system. Using salt water to flush them out saves your body from having to generate its own fluids to get rid of them. You can buy pre-mixed solutions or you can choose to make your own. There are numerous recipes to be found. If you decide to make your own solutions, use kosher or non-iodized salt and distilled or boiled water for the healthiest results.

Humidifier-A cool mist humidifier will raise the amount of water in the air. Allergens that are still in the air waiting to be inhaled will adhere to the water droplets making them heavy enough to fall out of the air. Balance is the key when introducing water in your home. Avoid humidity levels that make it possible for mold to grow, as mold spores are another potent allergen that can cause huge problems.

Local Honey-Eating honey produced by local bees means you are being exposed to a small amount of the pollen that is in the air. The theory is that eating a teaspoon or so of this daily will help desensitize your immune system to the pollen it is most likely to encounter. This is a sweet remedy to try, and even doesn’t work for allergy relief; it is still a healthy alternative to processed sugar.
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HEPA Air Purifier-Regardless of how efficient you are at preventing pollen from entering your home, pollen will still get in to your indoor air. It attaches to hair, clothes, packages, pets and shoes and is sent into the air with normal daily activity. You can reduce the pollen count indoors by continually filtering the air with a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) air purifier.

This type of filtration is used in hospitals to insure clean air, and can remove airborne pollutants as small as.3 microns. Since pollen size can range from 10 to 100 microns this kind of cleaner is well suited for removing pollen and other indoor allergens from your air.

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