Drugs Versus Diet and Lifestyle Change

If only this were the ’80s, when the inspiration for an entire social movement was an offhand comment by a First Lady who just said, “just say no!” As in, all you have to do is refuse the drugs, and the problem will end. While this is a rather naive sentiment and assumes some untrue things about humanity, well, maybe that’s political leaders for you! But back to the subject of drugs. They’re just everywhere these days, aren’t they?

Believe it or not, there was a time in the history of our world when drugs actually required some effort to get. Of course, if you go back far enough then drugs weren’t even illegal… you simply went to a drug store and picked up something pleasant. However, the problem with how our society is continuing onward is that drugs have become ubiquitous. And while they aren’t ubiquitous in the same way TVs and computers are, where they can be seen glowing brightly no matter where you go, they are no less saturated into the fabric of our modern lives. And we generally choose to use them.

Now, this isn’t about the people who abuse Xanax, Vicodin, Oxycodone or any of the other drugs out there. This is about the people who use, even maybe abuse the fact that there is a drug for everything, including Type 2 diabetes. If you do have Type 2 diabetes, you can easily just take a pill when you first receive your diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, and essentially refuse to take any kind of serious responsibility for your own actions. By delaying the start of taking drugs, and changing to a healthy lifestyle means weight loss will reduce your insulin resistance, and help to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol at healthy levels, two feats that blood sugar control through drugs alone would not accomplish.

You need to exercise, preferably every day. Getting your heart rate up and breathing a little hard might be unnerving, but so long as your doctor has confidence in your overall health, it’s a very good thing. Take the stairs, and walk briskly every day. Run a bit if your joints can handle it. Wrestle around with the children in your life (and if there aren’t any, volunteer… they keep you young). And when it’s time for a meal, eat things that are natural, and contain plenty of fiber. Study the charts of the Glycemic Index, and pick out tasty foods that are also good for you… it’s surprisingly easy to find something that works for both your taste buds and your health.

These are the ways to live a healthy life, not more pills. You may even find that you no longer need those expensive drugs. Why not save your money for something that’s fun!