Baby Boomers Cannot Retire at 65

We’ve all heard the term Baby Boomers. People born between 1946-1964. There are approximately 76 million in the US and they control approximately 65% of all the money. A boomer turns 65 every second. The big problem is will or can they retire, and what can they do about it? Statistics show that we are living longer, which means caring for our elderly parents, holding down a job, and providing for our children. So where does retirement fit in there, and can many of us afford it anyways?

Many reports and authors cite public opinion research that reveals:

* A large majority – 75 percent – of baby boomers expect to keep working after tey retire from their current careers (that’s if they haven’t already been let go of that career).
* But only 15 percent want to do so in their former occupation at reduced pay.
* Another 28 percent want to work part-time in a different occupation.
* 10 percent want to start a new business.

One analyst says “boomers will not retire”. “They will restructure their lives so as to relieve stress and work on their own terms.

So if this is true, what can boomers do in this second phase of work life? Starting a home business can be quite expensive if you’re looking at franchising. Or a brick and morter business. A great alternative is network (referral marketing). It can be done part time, from the home, and the start up investment is a fraction of that of conventional small businesses.

There are no hassles with high overhead; employees; stocking and shipping of products; as well as the tax benefits for boomers is excellent. In fact, these benefits can more than make up the cost of starting and running your network marketing business.

For most boomers, this is a perfect fit. Finding a product you like and benefit from, as well as helping others build their businesses and income brings meaning to them. More so than their previous careers ever did.

If you are a boomer nearing the age of 65, you might want to strongly consider a network marketing career.

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