Time Vampires

As a kid, and even now, I have always liked vampire movies. Some of the movies I’ve seen were The Lost Boys, Blacula, Van Helsing, Blade, Fright Night, From Dusk Til Dawn, and Once Bitten. As you can see by my list I didn’t say that they were “classic” or “good” vampire movies.

Everyone knows that vampires are blood suckers and they take the life out of you and transform you into what they are; the living dead. Yes vampires appear to be alive but they are dead.

Now in our everyday lives there may not be real vampires lurking around waiting to suck our blood but there are definitely Time Vampires and they are sucking valuable time from us and slowly killing us.

Now how we identify these Time Vampires is really not that difficult. They’re in our lives everyday and if we take an inventory on our time usage, we probably would be shocked at how much time these Time Vampires are stealing from us.

  • The Television: This has got to be #1. How many mind numbing, idiotic television shows do we watch EVERYDAY? Just think about your day and the number of hours you spend in front of the boob tube sucking in mindless information. If you watch two 1-hour shows that’s quality time you could be using to build your business.
  • Family/Friends: Yes your family and friends can be some of the worse Time Vampires out there. Although they mean well and they’re fun to be with, occasionally you have to cut them back and go handle your business. Family and friends can also engage you in too many phone conversations or gossip so beware of your time on the phone.
  • Sleeping/Napping: Stop being lazy and get up and do some work! If you really want to have a successful home-based business, you can’t come home and nap everyday after work. You have to be motivated to get what you want.
  • Bad Books/Gossip Magazines: Now I’m all for doing a lot of reading to improve self but to read a romance novel or a celebrity magazine is totally a waste of time. If you are so fascinated by that Hollywood lifestyle then go out and create your own. Don’t live in someone else’s dream life; live your own.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Are you the MVP in your adult basketball league? If so, maybe you need to put some of that superstar time and effort into creating a profitable business. I’m all for extracurricular activities because we all need balance but you have to make some sacrifices and make sure that those activities aren’t taking up too much business-building time.
  • Social Networking Sites: Yes our favorite social networking sites can be vicious Time Vampires and I’ve been guilty of this. I start out by saying I’m going to check on one thing or send out one message on Facebook and hours later, I’m still there doing fun stuff. Set aside some time after your work has been completed before you get on you favorite social networking sites so it won’t interfere with making money.
  • The things I have listed really aren’t bad if properly managed. And as I mentioned earlier, you must have balance. Yes you have to set aside time for family and friends, you must get involved in extracurricular activities and getting some rest is necessary at times. The key is to make sure those things are not sucking the life out of your business and making you think that your business is alive when in reality it’s dead.

    Get control of your time and eliminate any and all Time Vampires that come your way.

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