Change Mindset – Will Money Improve My Life?

Changing your way of thinking is the only way to get different results. This will help if you want to change your current life to something else. It does not matter if this is on a physical or spiritual level. But how can we change our current state of mind to the state of mind we require to get to where we want to be?

Sure, money might help improving life. But I want you to know that there are rich people without money and there are people with money that are rich. So before running behind money I want you to understand the importance of the mind.

Knowing that you need to change your current state of mind is the most important step. Most don’t even know that they need to change their mindset and will therefore stay on the same level.

There are various ways to change your current state of mind. Most of the time you know best what has a higher priority and which state you already posses. Below are 3 steps that will help you in changing your current state of mind:

  • Focus on the positive
  • This might be easier said than done. The negative things are what we need to let slide. Forgetting them is a very hard thing to do, however if you are able to replace them with positive things it makes it a lot easier. Replace them with thoughts from the past or even better, thoughts and feelings from where you want to be.

  • Unlearn negative habits
  • If we know that what we are doing is negative it will be negative for our body as well. You cannot trick the mind in thinking it is positive, while you know it is negative. Do I still make sense? It all comes to this: get rid of negative habits and replace them with positive ones.

  • Get rid of fear
  • Fear is the biggest enemy of all. Fear has a massive impact on the decisions we make on a daily basis. Don’t say you don’t have any fear, we all have some sort of it, whether this is conscious or unconscious. If it is unconscious it is even more dangerous, because you make decisions but just don’t see that you just made it because of fear.

    One of the fears most people have is the fear of failure. Failing brings shame, people might laugh at you and the “voice” in your head tells you that you are a dork.

    If you want success be prepared to fail, because this will be your feedback. If you don’t do something because of fear you will not get any feedback and you will be stuck at the same level, always scared.

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