Your Purpose Is To Experience

Have you uncovered your purpose in life?

Really? Can your purpose be completed or finished? Is it something that you could say “Yes, its done?”

If you answer either one of the questions yes; you have a goal. It may be a really big and improbable, but it is still a goal. A lot of people mistake a really big goal for their purpose. It does not mean you should give up on the goal. It just means that it is not your purpose.

Your purpose can never be completed. It is a without end. It defines who you are and how you live.

Your purpose will be experiencing, becoming or knowing. It is a continuing action. The “what?” is all that changes for each of us.

You actually have at least two purposes:

* Your purpose is experiencing unconditional love and forgiveness. This one is universal.
* The second one is unique to you.

You’re unique purpose has to be uncovered by yourself. It is like looking for buried treasure with a rough drawing rather than a GPS. Some landmarks to look for are:

* What makes you feel intensely happy?
* What gives you a sense of “Yes! This is what I want for my life?”
* What can you spend hours doing without noticing the passing of time that meets the other criteria?
* What do you feel cheated out of or never getting enough of while growing up?
* How do you fill in the blank “I am___?”

The answer to the above questions are your clues. The chances are none of them are your purpose but they are the pieces of the puzzle. The answers help you know where to dig.

Your heart will literally jump for joy when you uncover your purpose. You may not get the wording perfectly right but when you get it close, your heart will tell you. Once you have found your real purpose you will find it easy to remember. You also may refine your purpose over time.

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