Pregnancy Conception – Natural Ways of Getting Pregnant

Have you been searching for ways of getting pregnant? If your effort with fertility drugs are yet to produce the result you expect, do not give up because the solution is not far from you. Your conception will come naturally if you can adhere to the steps narrated in this article.

Here are few ways by which you can get pregnant naturally:

Keep a fertility calendar.

Giving extra attention to your menstrual cycle would determine your fertility period. This should effectively keep you track. Ovulation usually happens 2 weeks after the first day of your last period.

Observe your cervical mucus.

Before a woman’ s ovulation, you can observe clear and slippery mucus coming from your vagina. This vaginal secretion would turn sticky or cloudy after your ovulation period. Observing your cervical mucus can help determine the days that you are fertile.

Monitor your Ovulation period.

There are ready to use ovulation monitoring kit that you can purchase in your local drugstore. This kit would evaluate your urine to detect the presence of reproductive hormones that are needed for the process of ovulation. This is one of the more accurate means of checking if you are fertile during a given period or not. An ovulation monitoring kit cost starts from the price of $20 and up.

Check your basal body temperature.

During ovulation, a woman’ s basal body temperature jumps up and can go anywhere from 0.5 to 1.6 F. The best time to mate is two or three days before the noticeable temperature rise. To monitor your basal body temperature, you can purchase an oral thermometer and check your temperature before getting up in your bed in the morning. Keep track of your temperature everyday and take note of its pattern.

If you are unable to conceive a child even after having sexual intercourse during your ovulation period, it is best to consult your doctor who can prescribe you medications or create for you a fertility program that can hopefully give you a better chance of conceiving a child.

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