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Dog Training Tips

Teaching Your Dog Obedience and More

Once you’ve managed to housebreak your puppy and establish that you are its pack leader, it is time to move on to more advanced dog training attempts. While training your dog, always keep in mind the basics: patience, consistency, the use of a clear, strong voice, and a reward system that is both immediate in nature and not dependent on the distribution of food or treats. Your dog wants to learn and wants to be obedient; all creatures crave dependability and routine and your dog is no exception. Dogs are also quite keen on learning new ways to please and interact with their owners, so teaching them a few additional tricks is something that will be enjoyed by both you and your dog.

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Planning a Proper Diet For Your Dog

Depending on your budget you may plan the diet for fresh meat in proportion. Fresh meat provides a good source of nutrients. Make sure you take “Cheap dog food” out of the equation. Normally dog content that comes in this food form provide poor source to the diet and consist high level of ‘waste’ animal parts.

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Bladder Stones in Cats

Bladder stones in cats can result in severe disease, infection, and if the blockage is total, even the death of your cat. Depending on the type of bladder stones or crystals that your cat has developed, they will definitely have to be placed on a diet. Because of the severity of this condition, any diet and treatment should be thoroughly discussed with your veterinarian. Using the wrong type of diet will not only magnify this condition; it can actually increase your cats chances of developing either stone or crystal formations.

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Dwarf Hamster Supplies

If you want to make sure that your little dwarf fellows live a happy and healthy life, it’s essential to provide them all dwarf hamster supplies as much as possible. Since it is natural that hamsters are very active little critters these supplies will not only allow them to live a happy and healthy life. These things would also help them live safely.

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Mans Best Friend

We have all heard of dogs being called a man’s best friend. This is because if you treat a dog well, he will be your best friend forever.

When we first got our dog, it was mainly for the kids. The kids wanted a puppy, so we got the life long puppy, the Chihuahua. This little dark haired white spotted puppy was going to be the family “puppy” forever. The kids quickly named him “Jacob” aka Jake after a guy in the Twilight movies.

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Choosing the Right Labrador Retriever Breeder

Once you’ve decided to add a jovial Labrador Retriever to your family, purchasing your puppy from a reputable and responsible breeder is the best way to assure that your puppy will be healthy, have the good temperament you’d expect from a Labrador Retriever and have an appearance as close to the breed standard as possible.

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Golden Retriever Adoption

Adopting your own golden retriever can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. It is a great dog and is definitely one of the most popular and endearing dogs in history. Keep in mind though; adopting one is not a joke. Though these dogs are fun and can really brighten up your life, they are a serious responsibility and are not suitable for all lifestyles. Here are 6 tips to think about before you make an adoption decision.

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Good Pets For Small Children

Many parents want their kids to have a pet of some kind. It makes us feel like we are providing a joy for our kids, while at the same time teaching them some responsibility about caring for another living thing. Dogs and cats are the most popular pets but not everyone wants to keep their entire house pet safe and sometimes in can be too costly to own the dog or cat that you would like. One way to allow your child to have a pet and not have to ready your whole home is to get a small animal.

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Top Secret of Preventing Dog Bites

You may have heard of a saying “Let sleeping dogs lie?” In common sense, this is a true saying and it is not to restart old conflicts. The truth is, if a sleeping dog is awakened abruptly, he can bite the person before he is even fully awake!

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The Benefits of Choosing a Cat For a Pet

When most people think of family pets, their minds go immediately to Fido running through the yard, playing fetch, and chasing a ball. While this may be the right choice for some people, many families do not have the ability to care for an animal that is one fur coat short of a being a child. The truth is, if you are already dealing with legal issues and you need an auto accident attorney, the last thing you need to worry about is calling on a dog bite attorney. If you want to avoid all this drama and have a pet that provides companionship without requiring you to have a fence or protect your houseguests, consider adopting a cat. Cats can be just as affectionate as other animals, but they have a variety of benefits you will not get with other pets. Cats are clean animals and kittens learn quickly how to use their litter box. It may take months to train that new puppy to go outside to do his business, but kittens often know to use their boxes within a few hours of coming into your home. If you are ambitious, you can even each a cat to use the toilet, just like a human!

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Why Do Cats Hiss at People?

Cats hiss for a variety of reasons. They may be frightened, hurt, upset at something or someone or perhaps they have just ‘had enough’. I’m sure we’ve all had days like that. A genuine hiss is when your cat draws back his lips and bares his teeth before expelling the air in his lungs through the teeth.

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Overweight Pets

Have you recently visited your vet and found out you have an overweight pet? You are not alone. In the US, over 45% of dogs and 58% of cats are now estimated to be overweight or obese according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP). The third annual National Pet Obesity Awareness Day Study, conducted in October 2009, found that from 2007 to 2009, the number of overweight dogs and cats increased by 2% and 5%, respectively. The American Kennel Club warns that excess weight endangers the heart, lungs and joints and makes a dog more susceptible to other ailments.

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Taking Care Of Your Dog’s Ears

ear diseases of dogsDogs ears are prone to infection as you might already have noticed if you have a dog with problem ears. If your dog keeps getting infections here is some information that might help you deal with chronic ear infections.

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Canine Diarrhea

It is not uncommon for a dog to have occasional diarrhea. It is usually the results of eating something which was not agreeable to this digestive system. Diarrhea refers to watery or loose stools. Sometimes vomiting can be a companion to diarrhea. If your dog experiences one condition at a time you can manage his recovery rather quickly. If both are happening at the same time this becomes a medical problem.

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Electronic Fences and Bark Collars

Some owners find that the electronic devices work when other behavior modification solutions fail. The negative feedback of the static electric shock, combined with proper training, can help curb unwanted behaviors. These devices have been used to control hunting dogs in the field, to keep dogs from nuisance barking, and to prevent dogs from entering certain, off-limits areas. In addition, there are specific situations where containment is needed and above-ground fences are not allowed. In a case such as this, buried electric fences are the logical alternative. Finally, there are times when shock deterrents are the only form of behavior modification that work to correct a problem. When other attempts fail and the dog’s behavior may lead to removal from the household, electronic collars are a viable alternative. This is often the case with dogs that bark incessantly.

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Tips on Ferret Care Information

Having healthy pet ferrets requires you to be knowledgeable about ferret care information. All animals require a certain amount of personal care to stay clean and healthy. It is important that your ferret care routine include proper hygiene procedures to help keep your pet comfortable and healthy. Proper ferret hygiene includes baths, nail clipping, brushing, ear cleaning and teeth brushing as well as proper cage cleaning.

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Why Do Cats Knead?

Kneading is the action cats do when they are clawing an area and trying to make it more comfortable. It involves a circular walking pattern and looks like they are planning a bowl movement but then simply collapse onto the prepared area. There are many theories as to why a cat does this, but these theories only offer a mild glimpse into the psychology of these pets.

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Puppy Leash Training

Puppy leash training is very important and should be started early in your new puppy’s life. Training your puppy to happily accept wearing a collar and walking on a leash is not the easiest thing to do. There is a right way and a wrong way. Here is the right way how to train a puppy quickly to accept a collar and leash.

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Are Pit Bulls More Dangerous Than Other Dogs?

Many people are afraid of dogs because they think that they will be bitten without reason. Some dogs are ill tempered and may be inclined to bite, but there are some breeds that are generally believed to be more dangerous than other dogs. One breed that has been given a particularly bad reputation for being dangerously aggressive is the pit bull.

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Excessive Barking

You have to properly take care for your dog, socialize and train him without using violence. Having a pet need not be frustrating or difficult. Behavior training or behavior modification means solving any problems you might have with your dog’s behavior.

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