Sarcoidosis Rash – All You Need To Know and Exciting News

Sarcoidosis rash is caused by an autoimmune reaction in people with sarcoidosis, which is a type of inflammation of the tissues that starts in the lungs and lymph nodes.

In this article, we will look at some of the ins and outs of a rash caused by sarcoidosis and then at a breakthrough holistic protocol that seems to offer new found hope to people suffering from sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis rash develops in about 20% of the people with sarcoidosis. The cause of this disease is unknown and the symptoms can appear and disappear. In the course of sarcoidosis, lumps (called granulomas) may develop in the affected tissues. These usually clear up by themselves, except in some cases when the inflammation can cause scarring.

Symptoms of sarcoidosis include:

  • Shortness of breath, which comes and goes
  • Skin rashes, that may last for months
  • Chest pain
  • Inflammation of the eyes (uveitis)
  • Fatigue, weight loss, fever or night sweats.

However, shortness of breath and rashes are usually the first signs.

Sarcoidosis rash consists of red bumps which may appear on the face, arms, chest, shins, or buttocks. The rash appears in small raised red patches on the skin, and sometimes the patches are darker (purplish) and bigger. The rash can also be scaly, itchy; it may burn and take months to fully develop and months to disappear.

Sarcoidosis rash – Erythema nodosum

Another type of skin rash with appears with this disease is erythema nodosum (EN), which is an inflammatory condition, characterized by tender, red, painful nodules under the skin. It is usually located on the lower parts of legs. In most cases erythema nodosum goes away by itself in 6 to 8 weeks (although in some cases it may last much longer), however other skin problems can persist. Besides sarcoidosis, this condition may also be associated with other disorders such as: strep throat, Cat scratch disease, fungal diseases, infectious mononucleosis, Behcet’s disease, inflammatory bowel diseases; and it may appear during pregnancy.

Other types of sarcoidosis rashes include: lupus pernio (chronic raised, hardened skin lesion), violaceous rash (on the cheeks or nose), maculopapular lesions (small raised inflamed areas of skin), and osseous involvement.

Sarcoidosis rash is treated by treating sarcoidosis itself and by treating the erythema nodosum. Medications used for treatment of erythema nodosum are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, wet compresses, bed rest and occasionally cortisone orally or by injection. Prednisone can also be used to treat sarcoid rash, but it may cause the thinning of the skin. Other remedies include cortisone cream and lotoid cream or ointment.

Sarcoidosis rash is not an extremely dangerous condition on itself, but its presence should serve as an important indicator of sarcoidosis.