Seven Vital Food Storage Tips

About once or twice every year, we need to buy large bulk quantities of food and store it to last for six months or so. This process will enable us to save more money by getting the food at its lowest price. Buying whole sale can make you save time, energy and even gas simply because you don’t need to shop more often as you got all you need within the comfort of your own home. Aside from that, when you buy food in large quantities, you can reduce waste–as there is small amount of packages that you will need to dispose of. The sealed buckets and sacks that contain the food are capable of having second life.

In order for you to get the best in your food storage process, here are some tips to help you make things easier:

1. Direct buying. When you go straight to farms or suppliers, you can get the freshest ones and save more money. They can also provide you with tips on how you can get the best choices when you shop in supermarkets.

2. What foods to store. You should know what kind of food you need to store and what doesn’t. The best foods that you can store are the unprocessed organic foods such as wheat kernels, dry legumes and dried fruits. You can store legumes such as lentils and split due to the fact that they are the good sources of protein yet inexpensive. Whole grains on the other hand can be stored within six months or so when stored properly.

3. What foods to avoid. There are other foods that are not advisable to be stored such as flax seed meal, wheat germ and whole wheat flour because once they are exposed to heat and air they will become rancid.

4. Locate the best place. You need to consider where to store your foods. Look for cool, dry and dark places in your home such as basements or pantry that is far from heat. You can also opt for less used spaces such as under beds or spare room closets.

5. Label your foods. You need to be very careful with this process. Make sure that you indicate the right dates so that you will know if the food is still edible.

6. Containers. Your containers play a major role in food storage. Ideal containers are moisture and air tight, easy to handle and lift and easy to open and reseal.

7. Water. Don’t forget to store water as this is the most vital among the other food storage tips. Use clean containers that will not spill and can last for a longer period of time.

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