Various Silk Flower Arrangements

If you are looking for a festive addition to your home, you must have considered having silk flowers to decorate areas of your house. Silk flowers if arranged in a nice way can transform your home from a dull cube to a homely and cozy environment. There are different arrangements that can be used to arrange the flowers, but the following four are sure to work for you.

Horizontal arrangements – These will be placed at low levels with a center table being the focus of the decoration. This design will require a shallower vase to be used. For the flowers, have the smaller flowers lined side by side.

To guide your arrangement, you should use two bigger flowers, and then from these two, have other smaller flowers around them.

Vertical type arrangements – These generally consist of tall structured plants like roses, all placed in a container. The foam at the bottom is stuck in position using glue.

Since the flowers have long stems, you may have to cut them to fit the desired size. This is best at three times the size of the container used. Arrange the focal plants first, across the span of the container then let the filler blossoms come into the arrangement.

Oval Arrangement – This works best if you are decorating a formal setting. The brighter and tallest plants are right at the center (focal point). The design involves fading off the colors used as the arrangements move closer to the edge of the container. Therefore, the furthest plants are les brighter and shorter.

Triangular Arrangement – Weddings are the most likely events to find these arrangements. Triangular foam is secured into the container and the tallest flowers stuck into the middle. The shorter flowers spread outwards through to the side.

Make sure that is taller than its width. The focal blossom is normally the tallest. These have to be the ones at the center. Therefore, the shorter flowers will come to line the edges of the arrangement.

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