10 Tips to Prevent Cataracts

Cataracts are most commonly found in older people, but can occur at any age. The most common type of cataract is Nuclear Sclerotic and is caused by a hardening of the eye’s lens, usually by the protein in the lens clumping together causing opacity. Cataracts can’t be “cured” but they can be removed very successfully with surgery. Of course any type of surgery carries a risk but cataract removal has a reliable track record with development of laser surgeries. As we live longer and longer, cataract removal has become commonplace surgery, but can it be avoided?

Science is still out on the question of preventing cataracts. There are some tips that studies show do help prevent cataracts from developing, but none of it is conclusive yet. Since none of the tips provided are harmful and most have other health benefits, there really is no reason not to give them a try. They are long-term methods, habits you develop over a lifetime. It wouldn’t hurt for an older person to incorporate them into their lifestyle, but they are most beneficial being healthy habits of a lifetime.

  • Protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays by shielding them with a brimmed hat or dark glasses.
  • Avoid eye trauma. Trauma makes the eye more susceptible to cataract development. Make it a habit to wear your safety glasses.
  • Don’t Smoke. Smoking constricts your circulation among other things and weakens your immune system.
  • Don’t Overdue the Booze. Limit your alcohol intake to maintain your immune system and blood sugar.
  • Keep Your Blood Sugar Under Control. Diabetes has a direct effect on your immune system and circulation which has a direct effect on the development of cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Eat Your Spinach. Recent studies have shown that antioxidants found in dark green leafy vegetables can help prevent the development of cataracts.
  • Avoid Steroid use if possible. They are a factor in causing the protein to clump.
  • Take Your Vitamins. Vitamins C and E and beta carotene are believed to slow the growth of cataracts.
  • Get Your Omega 3’s. Omega 3 fatty acids (found in oily fish such salmon and sardines and also in flaxseed) are known to fight inflammation and may also help prevent cataracts from developing.
  • Drink Your Water. The lens of the eye is made up primarily of protein and water. The cataract is formed when the protein “clumps” together causing opacity. Staying well hydrated is good for your overall health and may help slow the growth of cataracts by helping to keep the protein “watered down”.

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