Choose the Right Contact Lens for You

Contact lenses have indeed replace eyeglasses nowadays since it’s more convenient to use. They have become popular not only to the younger generations but to the older as well. The advantages over eyeglasses are quite numerous since they have the same effect yet they provide the user less hassle. You can even choose ones with colors which you think will look good on you. They also allow you to engage in sports unlike eye glasses which are dangerous to wear when you are out for a game. Before buying them, there are certain information you need to know and some considerations you need to think of.

There are different types of contact lenses. They are usually divided into two: the soft and hard lenses.

Soft lenses follow the shape of your eye and are easy to use since it can stay in your eyes well. This will allow you to engage in active physical activities without worrying too much about your eyes. This type of lenses is even used to correct some problems of the eye.

There are three types available in the market nowadays: the single use, daily wear and extended wear.

  • Single use lenses are individually packed lenses which are good for one-time use only and are disposable. Usually, it is being put on in the morning, removed at night and discarded. You will need another pair for the next morning. This is helpful for those who do no want to spend time cleaning their lenses; however, it can be very expensive since you will need a fresh one everyday.
  • Daily wear lenses are like single use lenses but they can be used for several weeks depending on the manufacturer. However, unlike single use lenses, you need to clean them everyday. You can replace daily wear lenses with new ones according to the expiry date set by manufacturers.
  • Extended wear lenses can be worn overnight. However, experts say that it should only be done occasionally. These lenses must also be replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid injury to the eye.

Hard lenses are firmer compared to soft lenses. It can be quite uncomfortable the first time you wear it but the eyes learn to adjust over time. These lenses are also used to treat some eye problems. The advantage of these lenses is that they allow oxygen to pass through, preventing irritation of the eye. You can also use them for several years, depending on your reaction to the lenses. Proper daily cleaning should not be forgotten. On the other hand it may take you several days to adjust with the feeling of having it on your eyes.

It is wiser to go to an ophthalmologist first before picking up a contact lens so that tests and proper examination can be done to identify which lens could help you.

  • Always remember to clean your lenses the right way.
  • Avoid sleeping with your contacts even if you are using an extended wear.
  • Prolonged use of lenses may cause irritation and blurring of vision.
  • Replace your lenses from time to time, depending on the instructions.
  • Remember that contact lenses must be able to help you have a better vision.

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