Archive for the "Diseases" Category

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Classification of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is actually characterized by the disruption of the normal functioning of the peripheral nerve connections of the spinal cord and brain. It is a complex disease which is idiopathic, meaning that its cause remains unknown. This further means that multiple sclerosis is not easily prevented nor cured.

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Medical Treatment for Chronic Sinus Infection

Unfortunately for chronic sinus infection patients, there is practically no let-up in sinus infection symptoms they face all year round. They are always wondering what is happening to them and how they can overcome such distress in their lives.

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Bone Health

Summary:Bone health is developed at a young age particularly at puberty. Children are not too young to exercise and are recommended to exercise for 60 minutes per day. Your bones stop growing in your early 20’s. Then it is the maintenance stage. Older people with bone disease can improve their life with exercise especially weight training. All types of exercise will improve bone health but weight bearing and impact especially jumping are the most effective for bone health.

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