How to Hit a Baseball Farther

In a previous article, I discussed several major areas that will help you know how to hit a baseball farther. Those areas were the right mindset, confidence, proper hitting mechanics and lots of practice. But there is another area I did not mention that I would like to talk about now.

Health is critical if you want to hit a baseball farther. We need to keep our bodies free from injury and able to play a full season of baseball. If you play back to back seasons, your body can suffer some wear and tear so it’s important to take care of yourself.

The best way to do this is to participate in an ongoing conditioning program to help you maintain a strong body. I used to wake up at 5 a.m. during high school baseball days and participated in conditioning drills for an hour. We were drenched in sweat by the end. Then after school we participated in a weight training program for at least an hour.

This was all done in the off-season and proved to be beneficial because it enabled us to be one of the most conditioned and strongest teams in our district. Because of this we went deep into the playoffs each year of my high school career. You will find that the most successful teams are the ones that are strong and conditioned.

For young players I only recommend running, stretching, and other basics like pushups and sit-ups; at least until the age of 12. After that, if your doctor and parents clear you then I would start engaging in supervised strength training to build key muscle groups that are used in baseball. You don’t need to bulk up. If you do, it will be hard to even swing the bat properly.

Your heaviest strength-training program should be in the off season where you’re exercising six days a week. Always take a day off during the week. The part that many ballplayers miss is that you should continue a light conditioning and weight training program during the season to maintain and continue to build your strength. High schools and colleges should have programs in place that will help you out. For Little Leaguers and youth you’ll most likely do some running with your teams and maybe even pushups and sit-ups. Remember to always consult your parents, coaches and trainers before starting any program.

The following muscle groups should be targeted so that you can have assistance in hitting the baseball farther: calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and upper body muscle groups such as chest, shoulders, back biceps and triceps. Target the core muscles in your abdomen. Don’t forget to warm up, cool down and stretch each time you lift weights.

To know how to hit a baseball farther, continue practicing the most important parts of hitting mechanics. This is what allows you to hit the baseball well in the first place. Every part of baseball, including conditioning, should be fun.