Major Components of Air

Air has been a subject of research and study by experts and scientist all over the world. The behavior of air may be according to Boyle’s law. In this law, the volume or pressure of gas becomes inversely proportional in closed system. On other words, air volume can be decreased but the air volume will be increased.

Air can be used and pumped in elastic membrane such as balloon. The balloon remains inflated as the pressure inside and outside of the balloon exerted the same volume.

There are 5 major components that can be found in the air: Nitrogen consists of 78.08 percent, Oxygen consists of 21 percent, carbon dioxide consists of 0.04 percent, water vapor consists of 1 percent and argon consists of 0.93 to 94 while other trace minerals complete the air components. Among all components of air, the oxygen is needed by people in order to survive.

We normally take the oxygen for granted. We always believe that when we are breathing, there is an adequate amount of oxygen left for us to breathe. But because of global warming, some studies have shown a result of diminished oxygen level from 21 to 19 percent.

A diminished oxygen level is bad and hazardous to our health. It can result to acute to chronic medical conditions. As we used oxygen to facilitate removal of human toxins and waste, without it, we can die for a few minutes. Global warming is one phenomenon that is proven to decrease the oxygen level in the air we breathe.

Oxygen deficiencies are not all related to air components. Some are just a cause of bad and unhealthy habits of an individual. People that have lived a sedentary lifestyle, drinks water with fluoride, and eat processed or overcooked foods are the one who suffer from oxygen deficiency. Symptoms like dizziness, circulation problems, infections, anxiety, weakness, fatigue, and low immunity may be present with this condition.

People must be conscious in their health and oxygen level. One recommendation that the medical professional usually suggest is the use of oxygen monitor tools to check blood oxygenation level.

People normally used a pulse oximeter which is simple, compact and easy to use. The pulse oximeter is a non invasive procedure that not only used to monitor blood oxygenation level but also used to check the pulse rate and intensity.

Each air components have their own functions and uses. But for human life, the most important of all is the oxygen.