Myths About Curing Back Pain

Because lower back pain is so poorly understood by the general public as well as clinical professionals, there have been a lot of myths about it that have been floating around for years, if not decades. Unfortunately, evidence of the effectiveness of most treatment options and exercises that are prescribed to address low back back is sorely lacking. In fact, many of the movements, stretches, and exercises that are given to people to do to cure or help alleviate their discomfort may actually be causing even more pain.
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One of the myths of treating back pain is that there is one best sitting position. We all know that sitting for long periods of time can make the back sore. Think of sitting through a long movie or in a car for several hours. After a while, the hips and spine just get tired of being forced into a few different positions. And at work, many people are recommended to sit up straight to spare their lower backs.

In reality, though, there are no perfect sitting positions. Even positions that have been referred to as poor sitting postures may be therapeutic for a low back. The main point is that posture when sitting down for long periods of time must be changed numerous times. The straight backed posture can take some of the pressure off of tissues that are strained when slouched, but should not be held for too long, either. The key is variation.

Morning stretching of the back is also a potentially dangerous myth that many people have given into when attempting to address lower back pain. In these cases, they may be told to stretch or exercise their back right when they wake up. Supposedly, this is to get the back moving, improve circulation, and reduce some of the pain that could last all day if the stretches were not done.

But stretching too early in the morning can lead to an increase in pain during the rest of the day, as well as damaging ligaments, muscles, and discs in the spine. This is because the viscosity of the fluid in the discs changes during the night as we sleep. Upon waking, it can take an hour or two for the spinal discs to return to their normal fluid viscosity. Stretching when the discs are stiff in the morning can cause further pain.

This is why the recommendation to begin the day by performing a stretch in bed where a person hugs his knees while lying on his back is potentially so dangerous. Flexing the back when it is at its most stiff is a recipe for disaster and it is no wonder that people who perform back exercises as soon as they wake up never get rid of their back pain. They just make the problems worse.
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Unfortunately, many people have been given these misguided recommendations by well meaning friends and family, doctors who do not know any better, or internet sites and magazine articles that are providing the same out-dated misinformation that has been circulating for decades. When attempting to find solutions to back pain, people need to look for evidence that the recommendations have helped people, rather than helping a few, hurting more, and leaving most people in just as much pain as before.

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