New Years’ Resolutions for Pet Owners

New Years’ Resolutions for Pet Owners

Happy New Year! When we think of the first month of a new year, we probably ponder all the resolutions to make for our personal and professional growth. We want to lose weight, eat better, and maybe work toward improving skills to do well at work. If you have a feline or canine companion at home, you may wish to consider adding a few resolutions and include your dog or cat in on your plans for improvement. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

1) Commit to daily walks so you both get in your exercise. We like to make excuses for not getting in shape – we have to work, we have to take our kids to their practices, and so on. When the dog needs to go out, at best we may just circle them around the neighborhood, but that’s not always a good, healthy walk. Consider broadening your walk circuit with your dog so that he/she gets his exercise, too. With cats, you may not walk them as you would a dog, but it’s a good idea to engage in some kind of exercise program with yours to keep him/her and you fit.

2) Groom your pets regularly. Keep an eye on fleas and ticks, and watch those paws and claws, too. A clean and well-groomed pet is a healthy one, and the more attention you give could mean less problems with the veterinarian as far as skin issues are concerned. Taking the time to properly groom your dog or cat also helps you bond with them. Give it a try – you’ll enjoy the time spent.

3) Keep regular veterinarian visits. Speaking of the vet, don’t sacrifice doctors’ visits. Your pet’s health is vital, and if you suspect something is wrong and you are not schooled in veterinary medicine it’s best to leave any diagnosis to a doctor. Regular check-ups for preventative measures can help keep your dog or cat feeling great.

4) Include your pet. Your dog or cat is part of the family – therefore it makes sense to consider his/her wants and needs when you travel and when emergencies arise.

Make this year the one you and your pets grow in happiness and health. Whether you are a new pet owner or have had a four-legged friend at home for some time, making New Years’ resolutions to help you and your pets can start the year off right.
