Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few short years ago, it marked a turning point in my life, and I determined in my heart to beat this condition. My dad had died from it, but I was convinced that we had the tools to overcome, and yes even reverse it!!!

The diagnosis of diabetes had provided me with the “wake up call” that I needed. As crazy as this may sound to some, I choose to look at this in a positive light. I choose to look at my diagnosis as an opportunity to do what I should have been doing a long time ago. An opportunity to take full responsibility for my health.
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In spite of a pronounced lack of encouragement from traditional medicine, reversing type 2 diabetes has since become my passion and my mission. Thus began My Journey of research, learning, and lifestyle modification that I have benefited greatly from. I feel great, not to mention the fact that family and friends continue to comment on how well I look. Aside from looking and feeling more healthy, I have gone from 195 to 160 pounds for the first two months after being diagnosed, for a loss of 30 unwanted pounds that stuck mainly to my waist. This I was able to accomplish by cutting out carbohydrates for about two months.

I have tried different strategies, some of which have proved more effective than others. The best part is my blood sugar readings are within normal range about 95% of the time, but I remain committed to achieving 100% reversal without medication.

In fact, others who have recognized my passion for taking charge of my health and reversing type2 diabetes, have encouraged me to do an inspirational blog describing My Journey. Hence the birth of a site that reflects my passion to help others to overcome what I believe is predominantly a metabolic condition. A condition which is becoming more and more prevalent, and results primarily from an unhealthy diet, and, or lifestyle.
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While this has been, and continues to be a challenging experience, it is nonetheless a labor of love. This labor proves to be rewarding and fruitful when others are also motivated to take charge of their health by exercising personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is as the word suggests, very specific to each one of us. No one else can do it for us. We are the only one who can take charge of our health. Recognizing and acting on this knowledge is something we all owe ourselves as a way to simply demonstrate our appreciation for the gift of life.

We only have one life to live to live on this earth. Let us live it as the gift that it is. A gift that demands us to be good stewards of what we have been entrusted. The gift of life and good health. No one, I mean no one can do that for us. How are you doing on your journey? Maybe I can help.

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