Successful Parenting and Baby Eagles

Are you familiar with how an eagle raises they are children? Maybe you have heard that the eagle approach to child-rearing works best. There is a lot of wisdom in this and we are going to look into this very statement.

Every single eagle’s nest is built high up in the mountains and away up in the trees. Their nests are where the heaviest rains, snow, and strongest winds occur. Eagles must build a very sturdy nest in order for it to survive all of this.

The first ingredients that enable users to build a nest are long sticks and big pieces of bark. This will serve for the foundation of the nest for the rest to be put in place. Inside of these branches and bark, the eagle finds stones, glass, and little twigs asked to put inside the next. After that, she picks up cloth and leaves to pile on top. Last, she will put her own feathers at the very top of the nest and then proceed to lay her eggs.

After her little children have hatched from their eggs, the mother eagle will fly far away to give food, eat the food, and then returned to the nest to regurgitate the food for her babies. After her children have grown a little bit, she removes the feathers from the bottom of the nest. The little babies comfort level has to adjust to laying on cloth and leaves and not her feathers.

Next, she removes each layer of the nest, one by one in order to get her children ready for the world. She is constantly upping the ante with her children so they are ready when it is time to fly away from the mother. Once everything from nest is removed, the little baby eagles are exposed to stones, glass, and little twigs that are very uncomfortable. The Eagles then moved to the side of the nest to try and get more comfort. Soon, the baby eagles start to look over the side of the nest and that is when the mother nudges them from behind and knocks them out of the nest. She lets her baby eagle’s fall for a while before she swoops down and catches them on her back. She keeps doing this process until the child learns to fly.

Once the mother eagle’s job is done, she is no longer needed. She has successfully worked herself out of a job of being a parent. This is what successful parenting is all about, no matter what the species. Successful parents are the ones who develop their child to fly off by themselves at a very young age. If you want your children to reach their full potential in life, you must teach them to soar just like the mother eagle.

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