Tips to Help Stop Snoring

Snoring can really be very irritating for the person who is hearing it and for the one who snores as well. What is interesting about snoring is that, the person who snores may not be aware of it unless someone points it out to him.

Here are 10 tips on that can help to stop snoring:

  1. Sleeping positionAvoid sleeping on your back and practice turning to your sides when sleeping to help to stop snoring immediately.
  2. Modern treatments – Try modern treatments for snoring such as palatal implants, oral remedies and CPAP masks among others.
  3. Overweight – If you think your snoring problem is due to your weight, then try to shed a few pounds as much as possible. You can do this by getting into an exercise program and eating a healthy diet.
  4. Nasal strips – these are spring-like bands that can help you breathe easier and can help stop snoring. The nose’s sides will be slightly stretched out to decrease congestion in the nasal cavity. Aside from these, clearing your nasal passages before sleeping can also help to stop snoring, as well as the use of nasal braces and clips.
  5. Alcohol consumption and smoking – snoring may also be due to excessive consumption of alcohol, so if you really want help to stop snoring, you may start by cutting down your alcohol intake before completely eliminating it. Smoking can also add to your snoring problem. If you are a smoker, you may try to lessen your cigarette consumption per day or quit smoking completely.
  6. Chin strapsusing a chin strap can be very helpful when it comes to snoring problems. Most people who breathe through their mouth usually snores and using a chin strap to close their mouth when sleeping can help eliminate snoring problems as well.
  7. Snoring pillow – using a snoring pillow to keep your head elevated while sleeping can help reduce snoring. This is due to the fact that some people are having a hard time breathing when their head lies flat, so elevating your head can help to stop snoring.
  8. Medicationsthis may be recommended if your snoring problem is due to a medical condition. Most of the time, nasal drops are prescribed by doctors as snoring is often due to blocked airways in the nasal passages.
  9. Homeopathic and herbal medicines – these can be very helpful when it comes to snoring problems as well. Using herbal medicines to steam before going to sleep can help unclog blocked airways and prevent snoring.
  10. Healthy dietwatching your diet and preventing foods which may cause excessive mucus secretion can also be a help to stop snoring problems.

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