Zeroing in on the Migraine Headaches Causes That Affect You

Migraine attacks, come about in different people for completely different reasons. When it comes to migraine headaches, causes can be as varied as different kinds of foods, flickering lights, changes in weather, strong smells, or anything else. If it was the same kind of cause that set off a migraine attack in everyone, people might at least have a chance avoiding those things. As it happens though, there is no telling what exactly might cause an attack in a person. A given migraine trigger doesn’t even reliably set off a headache every time in the same person. Thankfully though, there are some general classes of causes that are known to bring headaches in most people. A list should help you find out what your triggers are, so that you may cut down on your migraine occurrences.

When it comes to migraine headaches, causes, even a partial list of them, can turn out to be pretty broad and expansive. It can be nuts of every kind, sour cream, oranges, coffee or chocolate, cheeses, bacon or hot dogs – even sour dough and beans. In some people, and beer and red wine can be triggers too. As unhappy as life can be with all of these foods cut out, at least, you do have a choice to cut them out.

What about a woman and her monthly cycle? If her migraine decides that it wants to act up every time she is ovulating, how on earth can she handle it? There’s nothing she can do but to suffer for a whole week every month. Doctors believe that migraine can be sensitive to the way a woman’s blood estrogen levels drop around the time she has her period. So what do women do when their estrogen levels drop permanently around menopause? These can be really painful times for women who suffer from migraines.

Women love their perfume; come to think of it, men don’t exactly stay away from it themselves. The problem is, it isn’t just cosmetic perfume that can trigger a migraine attack. If you are sensitive that way, you can’t go to an office where they use air fresheners; you can’t go to a restaurant where they use strongly perfumed cleaning sprays. And when it comes to migraine headaches, causes like the perfume section in a major department store or the flashing lights on screen in a movie theater can be totally unacceptable.

What do you do when your migraine is triggered by stress? There are3 so many stressful events in life. People who have migraines that are triggered by stress get them both when a stressful situation appears and when one ends. Every one of these migraine headaches causes is merely a suspected one. They don’t all affect everyone. You need to keep a journal of what exactly appears to trigger your attacks. And of course, you have to remember that no one trigger causes an attack every time you are exposed to it. If you drink a cup of coffee once and have an attack come on right away, it could be that it wasn’t the coffee alone. It could easily be that the coffee was acting with another trigger alongside – perhaps you ate sourdough bread before. It could be that you can include both things in your diet as long as they are not together. It does take a lot of detailed journal-keeping.