Become a Walking Entrepreneur

“Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.” ~Soren Kierkegaard

One of the best stress reducing strategies is walking. There is something about moving the legs that calms the mind and the thoughts that twirl and whirl and drive you crazy. When you are tired physically or mentally, this can be one of the best ways to improve your mood and refresh your spirit. It can also be a very helpful tool for an entrepreneur.

I cannot tell you how many times I have solved a problem or come up with a totally new and wonderful idea while out for a walk. And at the same time that the ideas flow, my mind calms down and my body relaxes.

Walking leads to the release of the body’s natural feel-good drugs-endorphins. At the same time, you are looking at something other than the computer or your desk. That refreshes your eyes and brain!

You may have gotten used to viewing walking as just one more thing you “should do,” if you even think of it at all. It is under that scary heading, exercise, that can instill a feeling of guilt in so many!

I urge you to schedule time in your day, each day, for a walk. So often, as entrepreneurs, we keep going, sometimes because we don’t want to lose our momentum.

But if you don’t take the time to walk and move your legs, you will not only lose your momentum, you will have used up all your energy and ideas. When you walk, your mind takes in new sights and sounds. It is helpful to let your mind relax into a flow, with no set direction or course. Your subconscious will continue to work on whatever project you are currently involved in, and you will be inspired with new ideas, solutions, and courses of action.

Take out your calendar and schedule three or four walks for this week. Even a fifteen-minute walk will give you amazing results. After that, I know you will make it a priority! It’s that good!

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