Create Hard Drive Mirror Image With Paragon Drive Backup

As more and more of our transactions and information are being carried over computers and other electronic media, it only seems logical to start taking more sophisticated measures to keep that data safe and away from accidental or intentional harm. The most primary step towards these measures is taking a backup of all the important data on a separate hard drive. The backup software that you use must enable you to take a backup of all your files quickly and conveniently. And what could be more convenient than creating an image of your entire system as-is, and keeping if safe someplace else? If you agree, you’re in luck; for there’s just the perfect software available for you:

Paragon Drive Backup Software enables you to take a backup of all your data. The main features of this software are:

• Friendly features that enable you to quickly take a backup of your hard drive
• Include Professional Adaptive Restore Technology that can efficiently take a copy of your operating system and quickly restore it whenever you want
• Information that is backed up can be stored to a virtual drive
• Create an image of your entire hard drive as well as the individual partitions of the drive
• Files and folders can be backed up and you can set filters to avoid backup of files that you do not need
• The package is inclusive of a Windows PE Recovery-CD
• It supports a variety of hardware, so information stored in different memory device can be backed up

A unique feature about Paragon Drive Backup Software is that it contains easy-to-use wizards through which you can carry out complex tasks such as scheduling backups, backing up disk partition, restoring files, and even restoring disks. You will find this software to be quite flexible. It can backup the information on a local drive, a network drive, or on a CD-ROM.

And finally, to give you a bit more information about its scheduling capabilities, it can schedule regular backups when you start or login to your system. The schedule can be set for a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. It also allows you a number of backup configurations right from taking incremental backups (only files are new or have been modified) to creating custom scripts.

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