How Do I Stop Breastfeeding?

Some Moms, for one reason or another, may choose to stop breastfeeding their child when he/she is three, six, or twelve months of age. If you are a first time Mom, you may be asking this question, “how do I stop breastfeeding?” Yes, you may be wondering if you need to eat or drink something or perhaps the milk will stop flowing after a certain length in time.

Increasingly, families are encouraged to nurse their newborns because of the benefits it holds for both mother and child. I have said family and not women and this is because medical practitioners have realized that there is more success in this form of food provision if the entire family is involved.


While there is the abundance of information which encourage breastfeeding, there is not half as much information concerning how to stop it and this can be due to the belief that it is a simple matter that do not need much attention. On the other hand though, according to someone else, perhaps those who strongly believe in sustaining our children in this manner do not want us to ever stop doing it. Nevertheless, there are a few things that will be helpful in stopping breastfeeding and there are:

Follow The Child’s Lead

Recently, I was reading about a sad incident with his tongue that caused a baby to stop taking the breast and it was heartbreaking for the Mom. She was not ready to stop, nevertheless, she eventually stopped offering it to him and after some tears and a few days, both of them has moved on together with new foods.

Suddenly Stops

This is not the norm, but sometimes, perhaps due to an accident or the change in the taste of the milk due to another pregnancy, babies can suddenly stop taking it. Therefore, if this should happen in your case, you would only have to deal with the milk supply and we will talk about this shortly.


After deciding on when you will stop breastfeeding the baby, a month, or two before the ending date and depending on the child’s temperament, you can begin the stages.

For example, if the baby is taking it six times a day, then cut out one session by substituting it with something else and keep doing this until the child is fully weaned. However, do not try to cut out too many sessions at one time and the night nursing should be the last session to be cut out. Perhaps one nursing a week and always offer him/her something else in it place.


Overtime, some children will ask for them less and less and when you notice this, do not keep insisting that they take it, simply offer them something else to eat and, or drink. This will now lead us into the milk supply.

Cabbage and Drugs

It has been said, that by placing cabbage leaves on the breast, for at least three days, this will cause the milk to “dry-up” and some Moms have stated that it has worked for them. As a new mother, you may be under the misconception that when your little one is no longer nursing and because the milk will not be coming out, you will suffer severe engorgement which will cause you to be in a lot of pain. However, this may not be the case with you because everyone’s body is different and you may react differently in this case.

If your breasts are filled with milk and they are causing you some discomfort, simply squeeze out some with your hand or a pump. Take out only a little, not all, because, if you take out all, the body will full them up again. If you take out only a little, the body will realize that it does not have to supply it and it will dry up within a week or two. Since the little one will no longer be taking the milk, you can take some over the counter painkillers if there is any pain and rest as much as you can.


There are some foods, such as oatmeal, that helps in the production of the milk and because of this, it will be a good idea to substitute these foods with something else, until the milk has stopped.

A Week or Two

When the baby is no longer nursing, the milk will cease on its own within a week or two.

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