How to Deal With Negativity During Lapband Surgery

If you have been struggling to lose weight and trying every single method that you can and still coming up short, you may be wondering whether or not there is anything out there that will help you. However, you may not have considered the surgical options such as lapband surgery. If you take the time to do the research get tested and realize that you are a candidate, then you may well decide to go forward with the procedure and start seeing the changes in your life that you may so desperately want.

Something to think about here however is that no matter how well you seem to be doing there are always going to be negative thoughts and negative people that threaten to derail your progress. Not only is this damaging to your overall physical health in that it makes it harder to keep going, it is also hard to deal with mentally especially if the people that are negative to you are also the closest to you.

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In this case, you may be wondering exactly how you can deal with this particular problem. One option of course is to talk to them openly and honestly about the challenges that you face already in dealing with not only the surgical procedure but also dealing with the changes in your life that need to happen in order for the lapband surgery to be successful. The reason you want to first try doing this is because often times although you may say exactly what you are doing, most people will not truly understand what is involved unless you show. And by showing those people in your life that seem to be negative about it, you are not only educating them you are also allowing them to understand how hard certain aspects of this procedure can be for you and offering them the chance to help you as well. If you phrase it as you want them on your team, then this may well be enough to get them to rethink their position.

If this does not work and they continue to be negative, one option that you have is to simply not bring it up in conversation. And something else to consider is that if they themselves bring it up you can quickly change the topic thereby avoiding any potential uncomfortable feelings. If they still will not stop being negative, then a drastic option would be to cut them out of your life for the time that you are losing the weight. Again, this is an extreme method, but sometimes it is the only way to move forward with your goals.

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