How to Start Homeschooling

I am often asked how to start homeschooling by new homeschooling families – and my answer is that is as easy as petting a cat! There are so many lessons in life that we can apply to our homeschooling. But petting a cat! How does that work?

Well, petting a cat does teach us many valuable lessons. Firstly – you need to approach the cat carefully. You don’t want to charge up to that big old cat and start petting it – you are going to get scratched. In homeschooling, you should think carefully about how to present a new topic to your children. Announcing 3 hours of Math isn’t going to win over your children! But tell them you are going to teach them how to run their own business (including how to calculate the percentage profit they have made) and you will have a willing and enthusiastic class.

Secondly, we usually pet cats from head to tail and that’s the way they like it. In homeschooling, you should also go with the flow. Sometimes children make an unexpected connection in a subject and will go off on a tangent. Follow their train of thought. Helping them to develop it often leads to a much richer, more rewarding learning experience. It will help them make connections in their learning, and they are much more likely to remember the information that their thoughts led them to.

And finally, know when to stop. You and the cat may have enjoyed your time together, but all good things must come to an end. And preferably before everyone gets tired! Give your children lots of breaks, change topics regularly and keep an eye out for them having had enough. A tired and grumpy cat doesn’t make for a good petting experience – and tired and grumpy children don’t make for good homeschooling. It is better to keep lessons short and interesting than to try to cram in too much – they will go into overload and forget everything. They will also be much happier about starting the next lesson if they know it will be short and sweet.

So you see. Even learning to pet a cat can help us to homeschool better. Remember to apply these simple rules in your homeschooling, and you will be amazed at how happy and eager to learn your little homeschooled ‘kittens’ will be!

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