Is Your Child Safe?

  • The common reasons are Divorce and parental disputes. I realize this happens but it seems so hard to believe there are parents out there who will go to such great lengths. I guess when a child is concerned a parent will do just that. Sometimes parents don’t agree where to live and some will actually take their child and go disappear from the face of the earth and go as far as changing their names and their professions. Their goal is to never be found.
  • The United States of America has been noted for its safety and land of the free. Many people idealize America and want to better their families by coming here. For the longest time we wouldn’t even think about our children being in danger while at school or in our front yard. Times are changing. Just pick up the paper any day and read about a horrible kidnapping situation. It is extremely depressing. People are outraged. Nowhere is our children completely safe.
  • Some children are taken by a family member or a mother’s boyfriend. Many times it is even someone who the child may trust, sadly enough.
  • A horrible fact is many children are even kidnapped and sold for organs across the U.S, Central America, South America and Europe. As much as the Internet is a great resource for many, it can also be a breeding ground for unscrupulous people who prey on children. It’s a multi-million dollar business that rakes that amount in annually. Teach your children to be aware of this and not be so free talking in chat rooms.
  • In some countries young blonde girls are actually kidnapped for prostitution. Many are used to produce other children with look similar to themselves so they can be held captive for a lifetime.
  • Some children run away from home because they feel neglected or perhaps because they feel they are being treated poorly.
  • Sadly, unthinking parents may be so much in a hurry to go to work that they absentmindly leave a child in a hot car!
  • For those couple who cannot have their own children, sometimes kidnappers are actually hired to find them a child.
  • If you are a school who needs more security or an organization searching for high security, search online for a company who handles such. With today’s technology there definitely are ways to fight the horrific crime of kidnapping!

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