Itchy Skin Parasites

Itchy skin parasites can drive you crazy. In fact most who contract them are driven to depression because the doctors they turn to for help know nothing about them. For example, take Morgellons. Until recently no one ever heard of the disease. It is a name given in 2002 by Mary Leitao for a skin condition characterized by a range of symptoms including crawling, biting, and stinging sensations; finding fibers on or under the skin; and persistent skin lesions (rashes or sores).
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For a long time most physicians denied the existence of the disease. In fact many still do. It’s unimaginable that someone could seek medical help with the symptoms listed above and told by the doctor that nothing was wrong–that the symptoms were caused by neurotic scratching and that if the patient left the lesions alone, they’d heal. In fact it’s not unusual for the doctor to diagnose the patient as having delusions of parasites.

And what’s more even more crazy is that if two or more members of the same family have the same symptoms its diagnosed as folie a deux (two) or folie a trois (three). That’s right, psychiatrists actually give these diagnoses to those suffering from actual skin parasites.

In fact one of the most common comments I receive when I speak with itchy parasites sufferers is how refreshing it is for them to speak with someone who understands what they are going through and doesn’t think that they are a mental case for not only do doctors often think that they are mental cases, but so do their spouses (unless the spouse has also been infected). Yes, this is not understood. It is possible for one person to be infected and no one else in the household. On the other hand, these parasites can be highly contagious and infect the entire family and anyone who may spend more than fifteen minutes sitting in an infected chair. Although there are microscopic images of the parasites suspected as the culprit, there are no diagnostic procedures available to diagnose the organism. Thus one has to primarily go by symptoms. And the symptoms that are prevalent have to do with fibers that fluoresce under an ultraviolet light growing from the skin and lesions.

What we know is that there are most likely various strains of Morgellons. In fact Morgellons is not the only itchy skin parasite. There are at least two other itch skin parasites with which I’m familiar–Strongyloides stercoralis and Collembola (spring tails).

Strongyloides stercoralis is a nematode. Some resources call it a round worm, others a thread worm. It’s transferred from feces as in animal feces–most often bird, rat or mice feces. It can also be transferred directly from any infected animal–humans, pets, and even down to mites, bed bugs and so on.

It’s life cycle is amazing. It exists internally and then with part of its life cycle it surfaces to the skin where it is highly disruptive to the infected animal and also highly contagious to other animals. Diagnosis can be made from stool samples if examined microscopically within twenty minutes–other wise from labs that run an antibody blood serum test for strongyoides.

There are over 6.000 species on the planet of collembola. Unfortunately at least one species has found animals a desirable host. They generally feed on decaying matter and will be found in the garden. But the species that raises hell with animals is usually transferred by an infected animal, or by various mites that reside on rats, mice, birds, and other animals. No test is available for diagnosis. One woman had a pigeon nest on her air conditioner outside her window. As the air blew from the air conditioner she felt a biting sensation on her skin. Once they get into the home they can infest rugs, furniture, clothing, air ducts, autos and remain a threat for years and years. If you walk on an infected rug, you can feel them jumping onto your ankles–when they detect a heat source such as a warm body, they can spring several inches–hence the name “spring tails”.

As bleak as these parasites sound, life can get back to near normal. Personally I contracted both Collembola and Strongyloides stercoralis in the mid 90’s and was one of the first to get my life back to normal and have since helped dozens and dozens of sufferers reclaim a sense of normalcy with a diet I discovered. I named it the King diet because it’s King when it comes to dealing with all three types of parasites mentioned in this article. Along with bathing and disinfection protocols, selected medications, and diet as outlined in my e-book, Soothing the Itch Within and the Diet to Control It, many have regained a sense or normalcy.

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