Love Tips for Men

You want to be seen as more than just a friend to a woman. You want to make her fall head over heels in love. That kind of thing where nothing will get in the way of her loving you. Problem is, if you are like most guys, then you really haven’t got a clue on how to make her feel that way. Now, you can just kind of give up and hope that the right woman will come along some day, OR, you can decide to finally get this handled and figure out how to make a woman fall in love.

Here are 3 love tips for men that will make her feel like she is falling head over heels for YOU:

1. A woman needs to get the impression that she is being swept up in some whirlwind kind of romance.

To make her feel that way, you need to stop being the boring guy, and START being the kind of guy that lives with passion and brings excitement into her life. See, most guys are pretty much a dime a dozen copies of each other. They might look a little different and talk a little different, but essentially, they end up coming off the same way. And that gets BORING. Now, when a woman meets a guy that has an obvious passion and excitement for life, that is something that makes her take notice and start feeling massive attraction.

2. A woman needs to feel like she is not quite sure how YOU feel.

Some guys dismiss this as just playing games and they feel like they are “above” that. And you know what? They spend their nights and weekends ALONE. If you want to make a woman fall for you, then you have to play the game a little and make her wonder how you feel about her. Keep her on her toes, it’s what keeps things interesting, and it builds a healthy amount of sexual tension, which is ALWAYS a good thing.

3. A woman needs to feel as though you are a natural leader.

This is one of those areas that most guys get wrong. They look like anything BUT a leader. When she asks them what they want to do, what do they say? “I don’t know, whatever you want to do, honey.” Scratch that. You need to demonstrate that you have those desirable leadership qualities by making the decision once in a while and having your own life outside of her. Be an alpha male.

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