Manage Your Hypertension

Hypertension is not an illness or a disease; it is a condition for which there is no “cure”. Our role, in conjunction with our doctor, is to manage our condition so that we maintain our BP levels within the range of readings considered as being normal. There are a number of steps we can take to manage our condition naturally.
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Here are five ways to lower our blood pressure naturally:

1. What man eats, so he becomes: It does not mean we will become a burger and fries. This aphorism means the food we consume does more than just provide us with energy. It shapes our health.

We need our food to provide all the vitamins, and nutrients we need and to act on our bodies in the way that nature intended. If we want to keep our bodies working efficiently, and maintain our overall health, we must have a healthy balanced diet that is low in saturated fat and sodium and contains adequate amounts of dietary fibre. Our modern “Western” diet is the antithesis of what our diet should be. It is little wonder that our poor dietary habits contribute to our high blood pressure instead of reducing it.

2. Movement is the best medicine: Nature designed our bodies for an active lifestyle. Our ancestors were hunter-gatherers, who later became farmers. Until the second half of the Twentieth Century, for many, the main form of transport was walking. Over the last 60 years, the more physically active lifestyle of our grandparents’ generation has given way to a sedentary lifestyle. That has had an adverse effect on the general health of the population. The incidence of conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and hypertension has soared in the baby boomer generation and their offspring.

Yet, all we need to do to help keep our blood pressure within normal limits is to take regular amounts of moderate exercise. Our condition can benefit directly from taking as little as half an hour’s aerobic exercise each day. That is the types of exercise that increase our oxygen intake, such as running, cycling, swimming and even walking at a faster pace. Soon after completing this form of exercise, our hypertension will be reduced and will stay at these lower levels for almost 24 hours.

Exercising regularly will also help us lose weight, particularly if done in conjunction with a healthy diet.

3. Lose weight and add years to your life: There is a correlation between our girth and the risk we run of having a stroke or suffering from heart disease brought on by our condition. Losing a few inches from our waistlines is a good way of reducing those risk factors and lowering our high blood pressure. It can also add years to your life.

4. Reduce the amount of alcoholic drinks: There is a relationship between the amount of alcohol we drink and our condition. There is compelling evidence form several studies that drinking a moderate amount of alcohol can have benefits. The antioxidants found in red wine protect our cardiovascular system if we limit the amount we drink each day. A nip of Scotch or brandy each day is also beneficial. It aids relaxation, which can lower our blood pressure.

These benefits are soon undone if we consume more than a small amount each day. Some drinks, beer in particular, can make our condition worse. We should avoid these drinks for this reason.

5. Quit smoking: In relation to our hypertension, it is essential that we quit smoking tobacco products. These products contain nicotine,which causes constriction of our blood vessels and raising our BP levels. By quitting smoking, we can also significantly reduce our risk of having a heart attack or of having a stroke.

Although some people have genetic predisposition to our condition, our high blood pressure is manageable using the five ways outlined above.

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