Management Insights

Taking ownership of the life you have ahead of you is one of the most empowering and still challenging acts we can undertake.

Taking ownership of the workplace role you have is important if you want to achieve the goals you have, and to reap the rewards of the efforts you make.

Here’s a thought…

“You can and you should shape your own future, because if you don’t, somebody else surely will.”

Joel Barker, ‘Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future’

Too often we feel that our options are limited by our own beliefs about what is and isn’t possible for us.

It’s something latent within us that asks those questions about the possibilities we think we have ahead of us, just when we were getting our confidence up.

We are, in all circumstances, able to make choices about what we want and how we wish to set about getting there – even feeling that we have no doors available to us to open is, ultimately, a choice we make.

No one will come along and provide us with the wherewithal to meet our potential – life simply is rarely as generous as that.

We can go and find it without the help of others driving it for us, though interestingly, once we get ourselves motivated with the understanding that something amazing is possible, help will often appear as if magically for us.

When we work with a team, if we have the courage to look for support from them in an open and honest way – always respecting them for their role too – we will so often have people wanting to look out for us too – as well as encouraging us and our beliefs about ourselves along the way.

When we take the steps to self-determination, new challenges appear to us. The gremlins who debate our worth, sound all the louder, at least for a while…until we get over our own hump of self-criticism and self-doubt through the sheer doggedness we show and the vision we keep clear ahead of us.

No one can, nor will, fix your life; your career; your relationships like you can for yourself. After all, you are probably the most passionate supporter you have.

You have the right to be the best you can and right now, it’s likely that it’s more than you expect of yourself. Right now, if you want to take up your own personal challenge, you can do it for yourself if you choose.

When you are brave enough; strong enough and focused enough, you can be the model for your people to grow their own belief in themselves too. That’s a wonderful gift to give them.

And if there are still those little doubts in your mind, remember, when you are asked if you can do it, or you can’t, that, well, without doubt, ‘Yes, you can!’

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