Nutritional Fruit: Tangerines

Tangerines are fruits that resemble oranges only that they are smaller in size. Tangerines were first grown in the nineteenth century in a place called Tanger. This is what led to the name tangerines. There is a particular type that is very sweet and popular with the kids. This type is commonly referred to as Clementines.

Other than their sweetness, tangerines can boast of having many nutrients in them. These fruits also have high water and natural sugar content. The high water content is responsible for the low amount of calories in the fruit. They also contain vitamin C, flavonoids, beta carotene, vitamin B and fiber. To add to this list, they also supply carbohydrates, potassium and other minerals to the body.

The vitamin C in tangerines helps in the boosting of the immune system. This, in turn, helps prevent colds and flu. Although there have not been scientific conclusions that the vitamin actually prevents the spread of the disease, just from observation, we have been able to establish that it can aid healing and boost a person’s immune system.

Another role of vitamin C is that it increases interferon production. The interferon has two health benefits to the body. One of them is that it reduces viral multiplication in the cells. Another health benefit is that it kills the cells that are already affected. Thus, the consumption of tangerines can help a great deal in curing and preventing the stubborn viral diseases.

Phagocytes are very important to our body. They protect our bodies from invasion by microbes. The vitamin from the tangerines helps in enhancing the role of these phagocytes. Thus, our bodies are protected from invasion by the microbes.

The other health benefit that comes from the consumption of tangerines is that the vitamin C in the tangerines helps in the formation of collagen. This is a protein that is very helpful to our bodies. This is because it maintains the cell membrane integrity which helps prevent infection as this is the first barrier against getting infected. Of course, collagen also helps in maintaining the skin’s elasticity, thus, promoting smooth and younger looking skin.

Vitamin C also enhances the rate of absorption of iron when consumed with foods that are rich in iron. Also vitamin C helps in red blood cell formation. This, in turn, helps in prevention against anaemia.
Other health benefits would include the following:

  • Beta-carotene in the tangerines also helps in maintaining good vision and keeping the immune system in tip top condition.
  • The flavonoids found in the tangerines help in the blood pressure.
  • It also helps in reducing swellings as in contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  • The flavonoids, when they combine with phytochemicals that are present in fruits, helps fight free radicals. The free radicals are known to be responsible for high cancer risks as well as to other health problems like heart diseases and premature ageing.
  • The high fiber content s found in the tangerine helps in the bowel function. It helps eliminate the problem of constipation.

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