Pessimists Vs Optimists

They say in this life that there are two types of people. The first is the pessimist who always finds the bad in everything. Secondly there is the optimist who has a more positive outlook to everything. People generally choose which of these they are going to be themselves.

It all depends on the situation you find yourself in as to which of these traits you take up. Sometimes you just know that things are going to turn out right. Other times it may be a different story. There is a quote that I keep in mind that helps me sometimes.

Try to assume that things will be okay until you know for certain.

There is a belief that if you always channel your energies to believe that thing will turn out badly, inevitably these beliefs will hold true. In other words think bad thoughts and bad thought will happen.

Knowing this to be true why would we want to always think of negative things that could happen? Surely we would all be better off if we just thought about the positive out comes all the time.

I am no Polly Anna that always believes that everything in life is always going to turn out roses. Unfortunately there are going to be times when things go against you. There is not a lot you can do about it. It is just part and parcel of life.

Thinking negative thought certainly takes us to places where we certainly do not want to be. Just try to knuckle down and ride the storm of negativity and things may just turn around for you. Everyone experiences adversity at some point in the course of their lives. Many of us experience it more regularly than others, but the fact of the matter remains that it hits us all sooner or later. What separates some of us from others is how we take the challenge of what we’ve been given and deal with it. Try to make the most of your situation however you can. Dealing with this through a positive outlook is most certainly a good starting point that should get you on the right track.

We cannot live our life thinking negatively all the time. Perhaps if we try to think positive more often then we may just get closer to where we want to be. Your mind is far more powerful than you give it credit for, and that works both ways. Think negatively, and you’ll begin to see your thoughts come true. Fortunately, the same works for the opposite, so get started and give it a shot.

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