Relief From Sciatic Nerve Pain

Given the rate of obesity in the United States, it is likely that a lot of Americans suffer from chronic back pain related directly to sciatic nerve inflammation. In fact, the changes in spinal posture required to support excess weight might be putting unnecessary pressure on the sciatic nerve and could be the origin of a person’s back pain. Relief from sciatic nerve pain might be as easy as losing weight.

A to the doctor will confirm the notion that weight loss will nearly certainly relieve your most significant back ache. The truth is, when an overweight or mildly to morbidly obese person visits the doctor complaining of back pain, the first thing that any competent physician will do is recommend weight loss. Two things are going on here. First, before the physician can diagnose the trigger of the sciatica probably the most obvious culprit, excess weight, needs to be eliminated from consideration. Secondly, your doctor is thinking about your overall well-being; being overweight has far much more unpleasant side-effects than just pressure on the sciatic nerve. Hypertension or high blood pressure, type II diabetes, high cholesterol, aggravated arthritis, sleep apnea, and heart disease are all possible outcomes of obesity. Really some list!

How to Lose Weight Quickly and Successfully

One issue linked with obesity may be the consumption of processed foods. If you’re actually serious about losing weight then one place to begin is to basically stop shopping in the center of the supermarket. Shopping on the perimeter of the market assures your only placing natural foods inside your basket: fruits and vegetables, meats including pork, beef, chicken and fish, and dairy such as cheeses, yogurt and milk products. By avoiding grains, processed sugars, refined corn syrup, as well as other highly processed foods that contain chemicals and preservatives galore, you’re actually avoiding empty calories and you might be gaining the benefit of eating healthier. Oh, and by the way, you’ll be able to eat as much as you care to eat so it won’t ever feel like you’re on a diet.

Drinking much more fluids, specifically water, is yet another way to bolster your weight reduction efforts. The key is to stay away from soda, especially non-diet soda. The refined sugar is a killer. Even diet soda is something to be avoided. I’m partial to iced teas, decaf coffee and water as drinks of choice. Avoiding alcohol is also wise because of the empty calories found in alcohol. Conversely, a glass of wine a day could in fact be very good for your heart.

Physical exercise is also a way to lose weight. If you choose to start a physical exercise program and suffering chronic back pain it is a good notion to consult an exercise expert to aid you in creating a program that not only consists of workouts to help your weight reduction but includes core strengthening and stretching exercises to help relieve the back ache you’ve. Consulting a professional assures that your routine is not harming your back.

Obtaining relief from sciatic nerve pain might be as easy as losing weight. In the event you do reach a reasonable weight for your age and height and you’re still burdened by chronic back ache then it’s time for more radical treatment options to be considered. Until that time, however, natural, wholesome approaches for curing sciatica are your very best bet.