Different Ways to Get Relief From Sciatica

Sciatica is a common condition that causes pain in the lower back muscles, due to damage or compression on the sciatic nerve that runs through different muscles in the legs and lower back. Sciatic pain is known to even “radiate” from the lower back all the way down to the heels.

Some of the typical symptoms of sciatica, besides the radiating pain, are:

· concentrated pain in the buttocks, particularly while sitting down

· severe pain in the lower lumbar area

· sharp pains felt in the back or legs which may suddenly occur when shifting position

· weakened leg muscles

· the feeling of pins and needles in a foot or both feet

· incontinence

It is important to keep in mind that sciatica is only a symptom of a bigger internal problem. It is also caused by a number of different conditions, most of which are associated with irritation and inflammation in the spine, bone weakening or poor lifestyle. If you think that you are suffering from sciatica, you may seek for the expertise of a physician or a licensed chiropractor for them to detect the cause behind the sciatica attacks. Fortunately, there are various ways to get relief from sciatica and avoid its flare-ups.

Some of the efficient treatment options are the following:

· Stop smoking. Smoking can cause poor blood circulation that may eventually lead to chronic or acute back pain.

· Proper exercise. Take note of the word ‘proper’. An inactive, deskbound lifestyle generally cause back pain because the muscles tend to stiffen and become inflexible due to lack of activity. However, you should not commit to high impact workouts especially if your body is not used to it because doing so may stress out the spine more. It is necessary to consult with an expert regarding a workout routine that is fit for your condition and lifestyle. Make it a point to practice each routine and perform each using proper posture and form. There is always a proper way of doing everything and following the right steps will minimize the likelihood of straining your system. Appropriate stretching and regular exercise can lead to permanent sciatic relief. Yoga is a popular form of exercise known to help in the relief of sciatica.

· Get a good lumbar pillow. If a lumbar pillow is not available, you can improvise by rolling a towel up and put it on your back’s curve to maintain the natural S-shape. Use this pillow as you sit in the office and when you sleep at night. You may also take it with you on a long car travel.

· Avoid unconscious twisting. When you suddenly twist your body, it may cause stress to the spine. If you must reach for something, use your feet and toes and move your whole body as you reach for it.

· Lift things up properly and do not carry more than you can. Check if your bag is too heavy – if it is, think of a way to reduce its contents. If you need to lift a heavy object, ask for someone’s help. While carrying heavy objects, you must stand with your feet evenly wide apart. Holding heavy things closer to your body is better than holding it at arm’s length. Avoid bending at your waist when you are to lift things up from the ground. You should transfer your body weight to your legs through bending your knees. Gradually straighten your knees up once you have lifted the object you had to get. Your legs should also carry the weight, do not leave the responsibility to your arms and back alone.

· NSAID or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These over the counter drugs and medications are readily available for your disposal. These are mostly painkillers. However, if you suffer from gastrointestinal problems, you might need to avoid taking these.

Once again, if you feel and think that you are actually suffering from sciatica, you need to consult a medical professional before doing any exercise or taking in any medication. This is essential to ensure that the cause of the sciatic pain is well detected and that you will get relief from sciatica immediately.