Archive for the "Self Improvement" Category


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Self Motivation In Times Of Feeling Lazy

Pushing yourself even when you don’t feel like doing something is one of the most valuable skills you can achieve in life. This skill alone is worth several millions and will help you succeed in any area of your life you decide to focus on.

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Subliminal Self Help Is More Popular Than Hypnosis

Self help or personal development is becoming ever more popular. People are wanting more control over their lives and now they know they can find a book which covers the subject or perhaps even an audio product to help them.

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Why Do People Criticize?

Criticism is one of the challenges that we face every day and it is also one of the toughest. We are being criticized to almost all the things that we do or don’t do; our choice of friends or partners, the decisions we make at work and at home, the dreams we pursue, our type of hobby or interest, our job or even our lifestyles.

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Proof That Hypnosis Works

There are a lot of differing opinions on the soundness of hypnosis as a form of treatment. Nevertheless scientific studiesappear to have found that hypnosis is not only a genuine form of therapy but that it also has an impressive success rate.

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Creating A Better Life

In order to create a better life for yourself it is going to take change, and that change starts within your own mind. And as you learn to shift your thoughts from the negative to the positive you will find that life will begin to show a change for the better.

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How to Overcome Jealousy

Nobody wants to be jealous, however many individuals struggle with jealously. Jealousy can intrude on positive relationships as well as negative ones. Good and bad relationships can each be destroyed by jealousy.

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How to Successfully Deliver a Speech

Public speakingis the act of speaking on a particular subject in front of a group of people with the intention of influencing, entertaining or informing the listeners. In order to be a good orator one must be able to influence people, change their opinion, and transform the emotion of the listeners as pertaining to that particular subject. Here are some excellent tips for you to successfully improve your public speaking skills.

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Refuse To Believe In Failure

During World War II the U.S. government was seeking a new synthetic rubber from inventors. General Electric decided to throw their hat into the ring, creating a strange substance that could stretch and bounce. Though the military decided they could not use the new creation, General Electric sent it do different scientists around the country to see if they could come up with a use for the material.

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Is Subliminal Audio Truly Effortless?

This really is unfortunately one of the largest misunderstandings about subliminal learning.

Society would possibly be a enormously different place if all that was required was to put on a subliminal messaging album and instantly rewire your mind and make dramatic changes in your life.

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