The Ugly Truth of Parenting

I may upset a few with this post, but it is something that has been bugging me for quite some time. What you may ask? It’s the ugly truth about parenting.

Many parents will be disappointed with the actions of their children for some reason or another. Many still, will think it is the child that has the issues or society or the teachers or the peers but never once have they looked at themselves. Never once have they looked in the mirror.

By looking in the mirror we may actually see some of the traits that we are finding in our children that we dislike. Yes, that is the ugly truth! A truth that many parents or individuals for that matter refuse to recognize. Instead they would rather blame society for their wrong doings.

Okay, before you start to send me hate mail, I will agree that some issues may exist that are beyond our control. But for the most part, we as parents are the ultimate role models for our children. We are the ones that teach them to speak, walk, eat, go on the potty, say please and thank-you and on and on. When does it stop? The answer to that question is NEVER!! We will always be parents, no matter how old are children grow to be. We must always look at ourselves first before blaming others.

This is where my Going Retro philosophy comes into play. It is not something that I merely made up. It is something that is near and dear to me and something that is important in the upbringing of not only our families but for our entire lifestyle as a whole.

I understand that you may not have had a wonderful and peachy keen childhood, but let’s face it we ALL have issues. That should not be used as an excuse, instead it should be used as a reason to change it. We will not be doing our children any favors if we cater to their every whim. I have seen many young adults first hand that are literally confused and scared to be out on their own. Why?? The answer is because the parents are doing everything for them. Many have no idea how to cook, wash their clothes, much less balance a budget.

We cannot expect our schools to do it all for us. We are parents and our role and job is not only to love, nurture and guide our children but it is also to instill responsibility and the sense of independence that they will need to develop into self sufficient adults. Please don’t blame society although it may have some role in this entire mess.

Stand your ground and take back your role as a parent. One that is willing to set the boundaries and rules that our children need in order to succeed in the real world. One that will monitor what the child is exposed to on television and the computer. One that will not be talked into the latest and greatest gadget without researching it and learning about it together with your child. One that will adapt the Going Retro philosophy, and as soon as you see their is something wrong you will address it and not ignore it.

Yes, parenting and the ugly truth go hand in hand but together we can become the best parents possible. In the end we will have wonderful, loving and self sufficient children that will grow into adults that will succeed in whatever they set their mind to. Believe me, its not an easy task but as soon as I signed up for the class of parenting, I knew it wouldn’t be easy but very rewarding in the end.

Are you aware of the ugly truth? What can you do about it?

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